GTI helps Colombian seminary extend reach of theological education

Eunsun Han


The International Baptist Theological Seminary, situated in the well-populated city of Santiago de Cali in southwest Colombia, espouses the hope of reaching the remotest regions of their country for Christ through seminary education. The seminary was founded in 1953 by International Mission Board missionaries, and administrative duties were transferred to native Colombians in 1995. Despite the difficulties entailed in the change of leadership and financial obstacles, the seminary has been able to grow both in the size of its student body and the number of degrees it offered. As of March 2016, the opening of online programs has allowed the seminary to reach an enrollment of more than 900 students.  

Integral to this growth has been the support of Southwestern Seminary and Champion Forrest Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. Champion Forrest partnered with the Cali seminary through Southwestern’s Global Theological Innovation (GTI) program, and through this partnership, the church has contributed funds and equipment for the improvement of the institution. Pablo Moreno, president of the Cali seminary, expresses profound gratitude to Champion Forrest and Southwestern Seminary for helping to greatly enhance both the quality and the reach of their seminary education.

Champion Forrest provided the Cali seminary equipment for a computer lab, including a server, as well as funds to send a technology expert from Southwestern to Cali in order to train professors there. The church also played an instrumental role in transforming the seminary’s traditional classrooms into “smart” classrooms.

In addition, David Fleming, senior pastor of Champion Forrest, donated a collection of books on leadership. Southwestern has also strengthened the library of the Cali seminary by donating digital resources. Such significant contributions have allowed the Cali seminary to take strides in its vision of reaching its country for Christ by expanding its online offerings and establishing several extension campuses, some of which are located among tribal groups.

In December 2015, the Cali seminary, in conjunction with Champion Forrest and Southwestern Seminary, offered a leadership training conference for professors, students, pastors and leaders. This was the second year in a row that such a conference was held. David Fleming and Ramon Medina, lead pastor at Champion Forrest, conducted a workshop on “Equipping the Next Generation of Leaders.” Daniel Sanchez, professor of missions at Southwestern Seminary, also offered a workshop on “Evangelizing and Discipling People with a Roman Catholic Background.” More than 100 people participated in the conference.  

“Throughout the week, I kept hearing expressions on the part of the president, the faculty and the students,” Sanchez says. “They are extremely grateful for the manner in which this partnership with the Champion Church and Southwestern Seminary has given them a new vision as well as the tools to expand their ministry far beyond what they had dreamed of just a few years ago.”

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