Introducing the schools of Southwestern Seminary
Each of our academic schools is led and staffed by men and women with both high academic prowess and hands-on ministry experience. Whatever school you choose, we’ll help you live your calling.
School of Theology
Equipping Christian servants with biblical wisdom, sound doctrine, and ministerial skills so that Christ’s body may flourish and glorify God.

Meet the Dean
Dr. Grace is co-editor for Making Disciples of All Nations: A History of Southern Baptist Missions (Kregel, 2021). He has written several articles and book reviews for the Southwestern Journal of Theology. He has also contributed chapters to several works including, “Being Christ: Salvation and Bonhoeffer’s Christo-Ecclesiology” in Being Saved (SCM, 2018), “Baptists, Classical Ecclesiology, and the Christian Tradition,” in Baptists and the Christian Tradition (B&H Academic, 2020), “Medieval Salvation,” in A Historical Theology for the Church (B&H Academic, 2021), and “The Nature of the Church,” in Ecclesiology for Church Revitalization (Seminary Hill Press, forthcoming).
- W. Madison Grace II, interim dean of the School of Theology
Jack D. Terry School of Educational Ministries
Committed to equipping great commission ministers who teach, lead, disciple, and biblically counsel with excellence.
Meet the Dean
Dr. Shirley is the author of Family Ministry and the Church: A Leader’s Guide for Ministry through the Family (Randall House Academic, 2018) and is a contributing author to The Authority and Sufficiency of Scripture (Seminary Hill, 2022) and Husband of One Wife (Randall House, 2022). He has also authored Bible study curriculum for Lifeway Christian Resources and Southern Baptists of Texas Convention and has served churches in Texas and North Carolina.
- Chris Shirley, dean of the Jack D. Terry School of Educational Ministries
School of Church Music and Worship
Grow as a musical artist and develop a heart to minister in the local church and throughout the world.
Meet the Dean
“Music is a beautiful gift from God, given to us as an expression of our response to Him. But music glorifies God most brilliantly and serves our congregations most effectively when it is under the authority and guidance of the Word.”
- Joseph R. Crider, dean of the School of Church Music and Worship
Roy J. Fish School of Evangelism and Missions
Experience spiritual growth through mentorship, a solid theological grounding in Scripture, and coursework that equips you to share the Gospel.
Meet the Interim Dean
"My sweet spot is teaching, and I am in my zone when I am teaching. They can load me up with as many classes as they want. Being in front of students and inspiring them to reach the lost."
- Dean Sieberhagen, interim dean of the Roy J. Fish School of Evangelism and Missions
Texas Baptist College
Wherever God calls, we'll help you get there.
Meet the Dean
"Whether going together evangelizing or helping them develop an evangelistic plan for their church, I desire to assist students in living out the application of the theological disciplines they learn."
- Carl Bradford, Dean of Texas Baptist College
Got Questions?
We’re here to answer them. Reach out to our Admissions Team and we’ll be in touch by phone, text, or email.