Prayer on Seminary Hill

Friends of Southwestern Seminary, thank you so much for partnering with us in prayer.

- David S. Dockery, president

Prayer Requests from the Deans

Pray for the board to stay focused on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and not be distracted by the issues of the day (2 Timothy 1:13-14).

Pray for the Lord to grant wisdom to the board members as they deliberate regarding important decisions with major implications for Southwestern's future (James 1:5).

Pray that each board member would stay focused on God and His plans above all else while seeking to make decisions faithful to the seminary's mission and core values (Matt 6:33).

Ask God to build a strong team spirit among the trustees as they work together so He gets the glory (1 Cor. 3:7-9).

Ask God to give each trustee a spirit of willingness to diligently plan and carry out their responsibilities (Romans 12:11).

Pray for the trustees to reflect a oneness of mind and heart (1 Corinthians 1:10).

Wisdom and insight for how we teach, train, plan, and prepare students for ministry in an ever-changing context.

For our faculty's health and the health of their family members.

For students to finish their studies this semester well and be encouraged to devote themselves to their studies.

For faculty traveling to conferences this semester and for a fruitful and recharging season engaging with peers from other institutions.

Pray that God will help us find and recruit at least 5-10 more students to the PhD program by the fall of 2025.

Pray for God’s wisdom to develop and improve our Professional Doctoral Studies program.

Pray that we will be able to help our students build stronger relationships with one another and experience true community.

Pray for our faculty to be inspired and motivated to write new books and articles that will bring glory to God and a good reputation for SWBTS.

Pray for seminary faculty to be a positive and godly example of unity for our students and to the SBC at large.

That the Lord would increase the visibility of the worship leading and music training programs in the SCMW in churches across the country and around the world.

For our faculty and students preparing for the 4th Annual Prelude to Christmas Concert on Nov. 15 and 16, and that many from around the Metroplex would attend.

For SCMW students giving recitals and worship projects, and for those taking comprehensive and qualifying exams, that in all the music and worship endeavors, God is glorified.

We have some special evangelism events coming up to end the semester. Pray for open hearts in those who hear and willing hearts for those who go and share.

We have students in the pipeline with the IMB and other agencies. Pray for the Lord to show all involved the doors that are open and to keep everyone focused on His agenda.

There are a number of Fish School Ph.D and D.Min students who are defending their dissertations. Pray for all involved in both defending and evaluating, and that the Lord will be glorified.

Spiritual Growth and Discernment: Pray for TBC students to deepen their relationship with God, to discern His will for their lives, and to remain strong in their faith amid challenges and distractions.

Academic Success and Time Management: Pray for TBC students to focus, have wisdom, and implement effective time management to balance academic responsibilities.

Relationships and Community: Pray for TBC students to develop meaningful and healthy friendships that will help them thrive emotionally and spiritually.

Pray that the female students will continue to grow spiritually.

Pray that we can encourage and minister to the women that come by the Women’s Center who are in various stages of life and pursuing a variety of degrees.

Pray for the families, especially the children who are living on campus during the time their parents are preparing for future ministry.

Pray that, as we begin to plan for the spring semester, the women’s ministry courses and programs will effectively equip women for ministry to serve the Lord.

Pray that Metochai, our student wives’ organization, will grow and serve all the student wives well.

Chapel Prayer
Rotunda Prayer

Departmental Prayer Requests

Chapel Prayer (Vance Pitman)

Admissions & Enrollment

  • Pray the Lord be honored by our efforts in Admissions to find those faithful men and women He has called to ministry. 
  • Pray the Lord brings many prospective students to visit campus, meet professors, and tour our facilities.
  • Pray that the Lord helps us be strategic and forward-thinking in our use of resources to fulfill the mission of recruiting more students.
  • Pray the Lord grant His favor as we continue to build relationships with all the collegiate ministries nationwide. 
  • Pray for divine appointments as our department goes out to recruiting events nationwide. 

Online Learning

  • For our students across the world studying in addition to their many other responsibilities, that the Lord would bless their labors and they would not be in vain.
  • For continued meaningful connections and mentorship between faculty and students in our online environments.
  • For our teaching assistants, most of whom are doctoral students, to flourish in their work and studies as they assist our faculty with course administration.
  • That God would use the labors of the faculty in teaching and students in learning for the equipping of the church for ministry.

Student Life

  • Pray for our Student Life interns as they learn to recruit to and lead their weekly ministry opportunities. 
  • Ask the Lord to continue working through these ministry opportunities to bring people into His Kingdom. As of this writing, seven people have come to know Him, and we are asking for 33 more by the end of the year. 
  • Pray for continued team unity (staff and interns) as we work together to create purposeful community on campus.

Student Financial Services

  • Please pray that we would be efficient in our work to serve students. Pray that the Lord would strengthen us and grant us the time to complete our tasks well.
  • Pray that we would serve students with kindness and humility, and that the Lord would give us wisdom and discernment as we make decisions.
  • Pray for more donors to be compelled to contribute to the seminary, and specifically toward students, in order for students to complete their theological education and continue in the calling the Lord has placed on their lives.

Writing Center

  • Pray that the Writing Center fulfills its call to develop strong writers with a Kingdom vision through creative, effective processes.
  • Pray that we develop creative methods to help students think rigorously and write impactfully.
  • Pray that we understand ways to harness emerging technologies to empower influential next-generation writers.

Human Resources

  • We pray for wisdom, discernment and understanding in all situations with kind communication.
  • Pray for energy and clarity of mind while at work, with rest and renewal when away from work.
  • Our work is detailed and can often be heavy. We pray for strength to not grow weary.
  • Praying for health for the HR staff and their families.

Alumni Engagement

  • Pray for our alumni who are serving in difficult ministry climates, whether in closed countries or areas that are resistant to the Gospel.
  • Pray for our alumni who are feeling overwhelmed and burned out in their area of ministry service.
  • Pray for those alumni who are experiencing illness and family difficulties.

Student Success

  • Please pray for our next retention cycle. The work each office does within the process is paramount, and campus collaboration is a must.
  • Please pray for our students that they will seek help when they need it and use the resources Southwestern has created and is creating for them.
  • Please pray for the office and its future. Pray that correct steps are taken and students are supported to further the institution's core values.

International Student Services

  • Please pray for international students’ application and visa process. Global increasing denials add to the stress and hardship so many students undergo.
  • Please pray for the health and well-being of our international students and their families. There has been so much loss and sickness this last year for our students.
  • Please pray for global stability and peace. There are so many countries with fighting, lack of safety, and poverty, and our students are heavily impacted by these issues daily.

Institutional Advancement

  • Give thanks to the Lord for his abundant blessings on Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Texas Baptist College.
  • Give thanks for the faithful generosity of our supporters and friends.
  • Pray for the Lord’s provision for the seminary’s needs, and that He will give us favor with those who could underwrite our Southwestern Fund.

Campus Housing & Residence Life

  • We pray for a Christ-centered community: May love, hospitality, and encouragement be abundant. We lift our new and graduating residents as they prepare for next steps.
  • We pray for our team: For our resident assistants as they serve their peers while juggling studies, work, and more, and for our staff members and their families as they pursue God’s calling in their lives, both in and out of their workspaces.
  • We pray for our buildings and processes: We ask the Lord to protect our housing from harm and for wisdom in managing resources with which He has blessed us. May the day-to-day work bless the community and honor Him.

World Missions Center

  • Evangelism: Pray for our students and professors as they share the Good News with our neighbors. May God encourage them and give them the right words to reach hearts.
  • Short-Term Mission Trips: Lift-up those traveling for short-term ministry. Pray for God’s glory to be evident and for transformative work in participants and those they serve.
  • Long-Term Missions: Many students are preparing for or serving in long-term missions. Pray that God surrounds them with His presence and empowers their efforts to build His Kingdom.

Chinese Language Program

  • We thank God for His guidance and provision, which have allowed us to establish connections with many pastors and churches this year. Please pray with us for continued opportunities to promote Southwestern and CLP, attracting more students who are burdened, called, and eager to be equipped. May our programs cultivate more spiritually healthy, knowledgeable, and effective servants of the Lord.
  • May God watch over Southwestern and CLP, supplying all our needs and ensuring that our work aligns with his will and pleases him.
  • Please pray for each faculty and staff member of Southwestern and CLP. May God protect and strengthen us, making our service effective and God-honoring.

Spanish & Portuguese Language Programs

  • Pray for the more than 500 Spanish-speaking online students in the U.S. and around the world. Pray for this number to double by 2035 as God calls out more Latin Americans to lead out in the next global missionary wave.
  • Pray for the new Portuguese language program reaching students primarily in Brazil. Pray for the expansion into Portugal and Portuguese-speaking African countries.
  • Pray for scholarship funds for students living in Latin America. With an average monthly salary of $530, many students struggle to afford even our discounted tuition costs. The greatest need is to help D.Min students, many of whom will be the missional leaders and trainers of the future.

Campus Police

  • We pray for wisdom and courage for each of our Campus Police officers.
  • We pray for the safety of each of our Campus Police officers in the course of their duties.
  • We pray that God would send the right officers to work in the Campus Police department and that we might become fully staffed soon.
  • We pray for the leadership team members, that they would lead well with wisdom and courage.

Campus Technology

  • Service: Joy in serving the institution and our students, faculty, and staff with energy, motivation, and patience.
  • Mission: Unified around the mission of Southwestern and departmental leadership.
  • Resources: Pray that the Lord will grant wisdom to steward Southwestern’s resources well and that the Lord would provide more human, monetary, and equipment resources.


  • Pray that Communications would be faithful to its mission to tell the Southwestern story in a timely, accurate, and creative manner for the advancement of the institution to the glory of God.
  • Pray that Communications would serve the institution well and complete the 40 goals the team has developed for this academic year.
  • Pray for the newly launched Equip The Called website that this new resource would serve Southwestern alumni and others in their respective ministries.

Counseling Center

  • For students to develop strong relationships with godly men and women at church.
  • For students to grow closer to God through their struggles and trials.
  • For counselors to be faithful, wise, and dependent on the Holy Spirit in caring for others.

Land Center

  • Pray for upcoming events.
  • Pray for efforts to raise money for the Land Center.
  • Pray for unity among God's people during a divisive election season.


  • Please pray that we will continue to be good stewards of our resources.
  • Please pray that we will make wise decisions when prioritizing maintenance.
  • Please pray that we will see that we are making a difference daily with a job well done and honoring to the Lord.

Download Prayer Reminders

Click here to download a free wallpaper for desktop or mobile device, featuring our current theme Scripture passage for prayer on Seminary Hill:

"Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus" (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).


Thank you.

We are so grateful for your partnership in prayer.