Widows’ Might prayer ministry urged to plant ‘seeds of contentment’

Katie Coleman


In addition to the many ways the women of the Widows’ Might prayer ministry support Southwestern and its students, one of their most valued gifts is their devotion to prayer. During their biannual luncheon, March 9, women gathered for a time of prayer, fellowship and an opportunity to hear from Candi Finch, assistant professor of theology in women’s studies at Southwestern.

Finch first expressed her gratitude for how these women impacted her own life during her years as a student. “I am thankful for you ladies who pray for students,” she said, “because I am a student that you prayed for.”

Teaching from Philippians 4:4-9, Finch discussed what true contentment and satisfaction in Christ look like. Unlike the message the world gives of where to find satisfaction, followers of Christ must testify with their lives that they believe God is enough.

However, she continued, contentment is something that happens over time. Much like seeds for flowers must be planted and cultivated, the same care should be given to achieve contentment.

First, Finch said, Christians must “rejoice in the Lord always” (4:4) and plant “seeds” of gratitude. “You have to learn to cultivate gratitude in your life and you have to pull out those weeds of griping and complaining,” she said.

The second “seed,” she continued, is developing a gentle spirit. A gentle spirit, Finch explained, is found in those who are willing to show care and concern for others, rather than compare and criticize. “You are not brash, you are not abrupt, you are willing to clear the way for others,” she said.

Then quoting verses 6-7, Finch said Christians are to be “anxious for nothing,” and she pleaded with the women to hand over their worries to God. “Turn your worries into prayer requests,” she said. “If you hang onto them, that worry is a weed that is going to choke out contentment in your life.”

Encouraging each woman to dwell on “whatever is true” (4:8), Finch added that they must reject lies and rest in the truth of God if they are to cultivate contentment. “We have to make our home on the truth,” she said. “Don’t play the ‘what if’ game. That brings fret and worry. Dwell on what you know to be true.”

Finch then concluded with the final “seed” of contentment: obedience. “I am convinced the reason so many believers today are thirsty and unsatisfied and discontent is because there is disobedience in their life,” Finch said. “Obedience grows into contentment because you are new creatures in Christ. The old has passed away, the new has come.”

Reflecting on the many conversations she has had with the women of Widows’ Might, Finch said she is encouraged to hear the stories of each woman whose life testifies that God is good and that God is enough. “Contentment is all over you,” she told them.

In addition to a time of fellowship, women enjoyed a special musical performance from “The Girls of Southwestern” led by Jaye Biles. Concluding the event, women gathered at their tables to pray for Southwestern, students, faculty and their families.

Widows’ Might is a ministry of Southwestern’s Women’s Auxiliary. The next Women’s Auxiliary Tea and Dressed for Service style show will be held in Houston on April 4 and in Fort Worth on April 12. For more information about joining Widows’ Might, see here