Southwestern students, faculty to present at 69th annual ETS meeting

Alex Sibley


Southwestern Seminary will be represented by 16 faculty members and seven students at the 69th annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society in Providence, R.I., Nov. 15-17. This year’s theme will be “The Heritage of the Reformation.”

Southwestern faculty and students taking part in the meeting and their topics include:

David Allen (dean, School of Preaching): “Calvin and the Extent of the Atonement: Assessment of Twenty-first Century Scholarship”

Scott Aniol (associate professor of church music): moderator for “Biblical Worship: The Reformation of Worship”; “Worship as Divider and Unifier: A Comparison of the Reformation with Contemporary Evangelicalism”

Craig Blaising (executive vice president and provost): “Israel and the Nations in the Eschatological Vision of Revelation”; panelist for “The Book of Revelation: Israel and the Nations in the Book of Revelation”

Bryan Bogue (student): “Hell or High Water: Antediluvian and Sodom Traditions in Early Jewish and Christian Writings”

Robert Caldwell (associate professor of church history): moderator for “Wesley and Whitefield? Wesley versus Whitefield?”; respondent for “The 1802 Revival at Yale College: Assessing the Impact on Graduates and their Ministries”; “Jonathan Edwards on Isaac Watts”

Dongsun Cho (associate professor of systematic and historical theology): “Theological Affinity between Augustine and the Reformers on Justification: A Response to Alister McGrath”

Lori Danielson (student): “Christ’s Presence in the Lord’s Supper in Baptist Worship”

Candi Finch (assistant professor of theology in women’s studies): “Anabaptist Women of the Radical Reformation: What Court Testimonies Reveal About their Faith”

Paul Golata (student): “Ethics and Chimeric Design: A Christian View of Technological Enhancements to Human Intelligence”

Paul Gould (associate professor of philosophy and Christian apologetics): participant in “Evangelical Philosophical Society C2”

John Gray (student): “Benjamin Keach’s Adherence to the Regulative Principle and How it Shaped His Worship”

Ross Inman (assistant professor of philosophy): “You Are Fundamental”; moderator for “Evangelical Philosophical Society C1”; “Theology in the Second Person: Christian Dogmatics as a Mode of Prayer”

Steven James (assistant professor of systematic theology): “New Creation Eschatology and the Land: Contemporary Perspectives”

John Laing (professor of systematic theology and philosophy): moderator for “Systematic Theology: Ethics”

Stefana Dan Laing (assistant librarian): moderator for “Patristic and Medieval History: The Reformation Reception of the Patristic Heritage: Lutheran, Anglican, Reformed and Anabaptist”

Isak Lee (student): “Will There Be Libertarian Freedom in the Glorified State?”

R. Keith Loftin (assistant professor of philosophy and humanities): moderator for “Evangelical Philosophical Society A2”

Paige Patterson (president): panelist for “Christianity and Culture: Baptists and the Legacy of the Reformation in America”

Benjamin Phillips (associate professor of systematic theology): “‘We Speak the Word of God’: The Reformer’s Theology of Preaching”

Charles Savelle (assistant professor of biblical exposition): moderator for “Old Testament: General Studies II”

David Toledo (assistant professor of music ministry): moderator for “Biblical Worship”

June Yang (student): “Revisiting ‘The Image of God’: Genesis 1:26-27 and Its Implications for the Concept of Gender”

Malcolm Yarnell (research professor of systematic theology): “The Reformation and Baptist Origins: The Contributions of B.R. White”; “The Integrity of Worship in the Theology of Balthasar Hubmaier”; panelist for “Biblical Worship: The Reformation of Worship”; “The Canon and the Christ”

For more information and a complete list of presenters, see here.