Christian Life Commission director presents four rules for biblical leadership, staffer commissioned

Alex Sibley


“If ever in our lives there needed to be biblical leaders to stand up and speak in the earth, it’s today,” said Gus Reyes, director of the Christian Life Commission of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, during his chapel sermon at The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Jan. 30.

Reyes, a two-time graduate of Southwestern Seminary, said all Christians “come together in unity to support the Lamb’s agenda—the Jesus agenda,” which is bringing salvation to all who call on Him by faith.

“And we need biblical leaders like you and those whom you influence to stand up and be counted and help us to focus on the Jesus agenda,” he said.

In addition to Reyes’ sermon, the chapel service also featured the commissioning of two-time Southwestern Seminary graduate Katie Frugé, who has begun serving on staff with the Christian Life Commission as Hunger & Care Ministries specialist.

Frugé was joined on stage by her husband, D.L., a Ph.D. student at Southwestern Seminary; Christian Life Commission representatives Reyes and Ferrell Foster; and Southwestern Seminary professors Terri Stovall, Katie McCoy, and Madison Grace. They all laid hands on the Frugés while Stovall prayed a prayer of commissioning and Foster prayed a prayer of blessing.

Stovall, dean of women, prayed that God would give Frugé the courage of Esther “to speak for, to defend, and to advocate for those whose very lives may be at stake”; the hands, feet, and voice to contend for the faith “in the same way that Priscilla, Phoebe, Dorcas, and countless others have done before her”; and the heart of Mary, “who sits at your feet daily to drink in all that you would have for her to strengthen her, to allow her to walk faithful to you and to the calling that you have on her life.”

During his prayer, Foster, director of Ethics & Justice for the Christian Life Commission, prayed “a special blessing” over Frugé and her family as she carries out her new role, “a role that lifts up your Son, Jesus Christ, as we seek to touch the physical and spiritual needs of people in Texas and around the world,” he said.

“Help them through the tough times, and help them to celebrate in the good,” Foster prayed. “And I pray, Lord, that in everything that she does and that her family does, that your Son, Jesus Christ, would be honored.”

Reyes preached 1 Samuel 3:1-10, wherein the young Samuel hears the voice of God calling him. From this, Reyes derived four “rules to live by” that will “help us stay focused on the Jesus agenda.”

The rules were: (1) always be listening for the voice of God, and do not delay in responding to Him; (2) be intentional and quick about moving yourself closer to God; (3) let your heart and your face reflect joy in service; and (4) follow God’s instructions.

Reyes concluded with a time of response, inviting those assembled in MacGorman Chapel to consider: “How is your discipline in listening for His voice? … What things cause distance between you and God that keeps you from moving quickly toward Him? What changes need to be made for you to respond with a ‘Here I am’ attitude? And then, finally, what gets in the way of you following God’s instructions?”

Reyes then prayed over the people, asking that God would help them to follow these four rules for biblical leadership. He ended with the encouragement: “Let us go out today and live them.”