FROM THE HILL: Ross discusses strategies for reopening churches after COVID; Caldwell examines how past pandemics have affected the church



“From the Hill” is a regular series highlighting the work of The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s faculty. Check back here regularly to find articles, blogs, podcasts, interviews, and more.

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  • “Video Stream Preaching”David L. Allen (distinguished professor of preaching, director of the Southwestern Center for Text-Driven Preaching, George W. Truett Chair of Ministry) interviewed on Salty Believer podcast

“What do preachers need to know as we’re all trying to figure out how to preach to an empty room and a video stream?”

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“What we are facing as a result of the coronavirus is certainly difficult and unprecedented for contemporary western Christians, and churches are faced with figuring out how to approximate life ‘together’ when they are prevented from meeting physically together.”

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“Dr. Robert Caldwell … joined us on Salty Believer Unscripted to discuss lessons from Church history that might help inform us about today’s coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. ”

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“Institutions are facing a challenge unlike anything experienced in recent history. What, then, does all of this mean for the future of Christian higher education?”

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“The reality is that schools will now understand their history in terms of pre-COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 priorities.”

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“As many in this emergency situation are being creative in making online worship engaging, there still are a few churchly things that may be a bit more perplexing to figure out. The ordinances are on this list, of which presenting the Lord’s Supper virtually may be a hard nut to crack.”

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“My experience with Jim gave me a clear picture of excellence—both professionally and personally—in the world of academic publishing.”

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“At the height of second wave feminism in the 1970s, the dominant cultural narrative was that women were either liberated feminists or you were just brainwashed. … And Phyllis Schlafly really gave voice to the women who didn’t fit either of those imposed categories.”

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“If the Law is good and reflects the character of God (and it is), and if God values women equally to men (and He does), then perhaps we need to dig a little deeper to find what this law meant for women of the Old Testament—and what it tells us about the Lawgiver.”

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“On this episode of Uncommontary, Dr. Katie McCoy joins host Marty Duren to talk about some biblical implications of gender.”

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  • “Reopening the Church”Richard Ross (professor of student ministry, J.M. Price Chair of Religious Education) interviewed on Facebook Live by D6 Family

“This month, Dr. Ross joined the D6 Family team to talk through the ins and outs of reopening churches after COVID-19.”

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“In Part 2 of this series, Jim Wicker outlines seven types of humorous photos and how they can be used in biblical proclamation and education.”

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“As our thinking moves toward end-times topics, how should we talk about eschatology (the study of end times) with others?”