‘Continue going forth,’ Greenway charges graduates in video address

Alex Sibley


With COVID-19 preventing The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Scarborough College from having an in-person commencement ceremony for the first time in the institution’s 112-year history, the school’s administration and faculty still congratulated and celebrated the 336 bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral students graduating in the spring 2020 semester, including the largest-ever graduating class from Scarborough College.

President Adam W. Greenway delivered a charge to the graduates through a recorded video, May 8—the day on which commencement ceremonies were originally scheduled to take place—and numerous faculty similarly shared prayers and congratulations through digital, rather than in-person, means.

“I want you to know from my heart as your president how disappointed I am that we are not able to gather together to celebrate you—your accomplishments as graduates of Scarborough College and Southwestern Seminary,” Greenway said in his address from the historic George W. Truett Auditorium on the Fort Worth campus. “This class will be one that will be remembered in the annals of the history of our seminary forever because you experienced a kind of disruption in the ending of your studies as a seminary or a college student unlike anything we’ve ever known. We’ve been through world wars and depression and challenges from within and from without, but nothing like what this COVID-19 pandemic has presented or has brought to us.”

In a brief exposition of Acts 8:1-4, Greenway shared with the graduates how “the stability and the security” of the early church in Jerusalem were suddenly disrupted by persecution. And yet, Greenway noted in verse 4, “those who were scattered went on their way preaching the word.”

Greenway said this serves as “a word and a reminder” for Southwestern Seminary and Scarborough College during the coronavirus pandemic, “because as a seminary and college community, right now, we’ve been scattered.”

“And yet,” Greenway said, “what has encouraged me the most, especially about you, those who are receiving your degrees and will soon be mailed your diplomas, is the fact that you have continued to be found faithful proclaiming the Gospel, fulfilling your ministry, doing the work that God has called us to do.”

“In this moment where we are scattered,” Greenway continued, “our charge and commission to you is to continue going forth proclaiming the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ; continuing to work to connect all people to Jesus Christ; continuing to do what you do wherever you may be and wherever God may deploy you.”

Greenway said that when things return to normal once COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, “it’s going to feel, probably, abnormal for quite some time.” He assured the graduates, however, that “God is with you.”

“He has sustained us through this moment,” Greenway said. “He has brought you through all the adversity and disruption that you have faced, to this place where you now join the corps of alumni of The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Scarborough College.”

Greenway further assured the graduates on behalf of the administration and faculty that “your alma mater stands with you.”

“Know that you are, indeed, Southwesterners,” he said. “We are in this together as we work to continue to be found faithful.”

Greenway concluded, “For all of you who are graduating, may I say to you: having fulfilled all the requirements of your courses of study, and having been nominated by the faculty for graduation, and by the authority vested in me by the Board of Trustees, I hereby confer upon each of you your respective bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees, with all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities appertaining thereto.

“Congratulations, my fellow Southwesterners. You will be a class we will never forget. May God’s blessings be with you wherever you may serve.”

The faculty of Southwestern Seminary and Scarborough College also extended prayers and congratulations to the graduates through a recorded video released the previous day.

Katie J. McCoy, assistant professor of theology in women’s studies, said, “We are so proud of you, and we so wish that we could celebrate you in person today. But the unusualness of this circumstance just reminds us all how desperate the world is to hear a message of hope. And it is into that world that you launch today.”

Madison Grace, associate professor of Baptist heritage, said, “As you leave Southwestern and go forth into whatever ministry God has for you, know that you still have plenty here at Southwestern who love you and are praying for you and are encouraged by the work that you have done and the work that you are going to do.”

Dean of Women Terri Stovall directed her message to the women graduates specifically, expressing her pride in them for “finishing this season of preparation and training.” She continued, “Your tenacity to remain resolute in your calling during uncertain times cannot be overstated.”

The video also featured a prayer for the graduates compiled from numerous individual prayers uplifted by various faculty members. Chuck Lewis, associate dean of the School of Church Music and Worship, thanked God “for moments like this—spiritual markers; milestone moments that mark significant points in life’s journey.”

Dean Sieberhagen, associate professor of Islamic studies, affirmed that God is taking the graduates “into a lost and dying world that desperately needs you. And may they be ministers of your Gospel in their unique ministries that you have given each one of them.”

Matt Queen, L.R. Scarborough Chair of Evangelism, similarly prayed that God would send the graduates “so that they may accomplish your good will and see many people brought into the Kingdom of Christ.”

Other faculty members featured in the video include David Allen, distinguished professor of preaching; Scott Aniol, associate professor of church music and worship; Carl Bradford, assistant professor of evangelism; Robert Caldwell, professor of church history; Joseph R. Crider, dean of the School of Church Music and Worship; David S. Dockery, distinguished professor of theology; Jeremiah Kim, assistant professor of systematic theology; George Klein, professor of Old Testament; John D. Massey, dean of the Roy J. Fish School of Evangelism and Missions; Matthew McKellar, professor of preaching; Eric Mitchell, professor of Old Testament and archaeology; Richard Ross, professor of student ministry; Sarah Spring, associate dean for student success for Scarborough College; Greg Smith, associate vice president for distributed learning; Mark Taylor, associate dean of the School of Theology; Jim Wicker, professor of New Testament; Michael Wilkinson, dean of Scarborough College; Joshua Williams, associate professor of Old Testament; and Malcolm B. Yarnell III, research professor of systematic theology.

Following the video’s release online, many graduates expressed their gratitude through social media.

Mollie Williams, who completed her Bachelor of Arts in Humanities and Biblical Studies, said, “Thank you, Southwestern profs! This is so special! It’s great to hear your voices and see your faces. We are so blessed to have had the opportunity to sit under your teaching and guidance. Thank you for all you’ve done for the class of 2020.”

Karina Saiter, a graduate of the Seminary Studies for Student Wives Certificate program, said, “Thank you, Southwestern Seminary, for the video. It blessed me at this moment when I would be having my graduation ceremony with my mates. Thank you, Dr. Terri Stovall, for the amazing job that you do for the women at seminary. Thank you, Cheryl Bell, Katie Frugé, and Mrs. Karen Yarnell, for teaching us with all your hearts and lives in Christ Jesus.”

Ph.D. graduate Efrain Salcedo, who shared the video on his Twitter feed, epitomized the sentiment of other graduates with his simple note: “Thank you, SWBTS.”

Reflecting on his entire journey through the Master of Divinity program, graduate Jason Sharp said, “The school did more than simply impart biblical knowledge to me. It was a school that invested in me, prayed for me, encouraged me, held me accountable, pushed me by setting expectations for me, and required much of me, for which I am now thankful. Upon my completion, it is now a school that is sending me. I know there are a lot of great seminaries. However, my biased opinion is that there is none greater than Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and I thank the Lord for leading my family there.”

“To president Adam Greenway and to all my professors,” Sharp concluded, “thank you for allowing God to use you to help shape me into the person, pastor, and Christian I am today.”

The spring 2020 graduates will receive their diplomas by mail and are invited to participate in the fall 2020 commencement ceremony in December.