Master of Theology (Evangelism and Missions)

Roy J. Fish School of Evangelism and Missions

Master of Theology (Evangelism and Missions)

The most advanced theological degree at the master’s level.

This degree enhances ministerial practice, preparation for doctoral studies, and further mastery of a specialized discipline.

Degree Highlights

  • 25-26 hours
  • Available fully online
  • Thesis and non-thesis tracks
  • 4 major options

The most advanced theological degree at the master’s level, the Master of Theology (ThM) allows students to gain a high level of competency in one concentrated area of study after completion of the Master of Divinity. The ThM enhances ministerial practice, preparation for doctoral studies, and further mastery of a specialized discipline.

Available Majors

  • Missions
  • Evangelism

Meet Your Faculty

Entrance Requirements


The student must have completed a Master of Divinity degree or its equivalent from an accredited seminary or divinity school with a minimum GPA of 3.0. The ThM assumes exegetical competence in Biblical Greek and Hebrew; however, a student who has not completed the prerequisite language courses may complete them during work toward the degree.

If a student completes the Master of Divinity with a concentration in International Church Planting with 6 hours of field language, the 6 hours of field language satisfy the second biblical language prerequisite of the ThM Only the biblical language completed during the Master of Divinity in International Church Planting will be required for the ThM.

International applicants must complete the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) with a minimum score of 100 on the internet-based test or 250 on the computer-based test.

Application Deadlines

New applicants to the seminary should indicate the desire to pursue the ThM on application materials. Current Southwestern Seminary students should fill out a Continuing Studies form available in the Registrar's office and include an explanation of reasons for pursuing the ThM.

All application materials must be submitted by the following dates:
Fall: July 15
Spring: December 15
Summer: April 15

International students must meet earlier deadlines as set by the Office of International Student Services.

Degree Requirements

Majors in the School of Evangelism and Missions are Evangelism and Missions. The Master of Theology consists of a 24-25 hour (non-Thesis track) or a 24-25 hour (Thesis track) curriculum.

The non-thesis track includes: the Graduate Research Seminar (2 hours), six advanced Masters electives (18 hours total) in the chosen major, one Ph.D. Research Seminar (4 hours) or additional Masters elective (3 hours) in the chosen major, and a Summative Exam (1 hours).

The thesis track includes: the Graduate Research Seminar (2 hours), five advanced Master's electives (15 hours total) in the chosen major, one Ph.D. Research Seminar (4 hours) or additional Masters elective (3 hours) in the chosen major, and a Masters Thesis (4 hours).

All course work must be completed with a 3.0 or better. No course with a grade of below 3.0 will count toward the degree.

The student must complete the Graduate Research seminar during the first spring semester of course work. Generally, the Ph.D. research seminar, if applicable, will be taken in the last year of the student’s course work.

All requirements, including the thesis, must be completed within three years of entrance into the program.

Thesis Track Degree Requirements

The ThM thesis should demonstrate the student's ability to design a viable research project, pursue the research in relative independence, and write with clarity and force. An acceptable thesis should go beyond the description of data and include critical evaluation and interpretative judgment. The thesis must address a topic in the student's concentration. The latest edition of Turabian serves as the style guide for the thesis.

During the semester in which the student registers for Thesis Research, the student works with his or her thesis supervisor to complete a prospectus. The prospectus, not to exceed ten pages, must be approved by the thesis supervisor before the student begins to write the thesis. The approved prospectus must be submitted to the Associate Dean's office. The student must work closely with the thesis supervisor throughout all stages of thesis work.

The student must submit the thesis at least 60 days prior to the anticipated date of graduation. The thesis supervisor and second reader will evaluate the thesis and determine the grade (passing grades: B- and above). A student who receives a failing grade will have an opportunity to revise and resubmit the thesis during the following semester provided that the time limitation has not expired.

Transfer Course Credit

Up to six hours may be transferred into the ThM from a MDiv earned from Southwestern Seminary or an accredited institution. Transferred courses must be in the major selected for the ThM.

A ThM graduate who pursues a PhD in the School of Evangelism and Missions may apply one PhD research seminar and a ThM thesis, if applicable, to the PhD degree.

Got Questions?

We’re here to answer them. Reach out to our Admissions Team and we’ll be in touch by phone, text, or email.