Master of Divinity (School of Educational Ministries)

Jack D. Terry School of Educational Ministries

Master of Divinity

Preparing students for Christian ministry

Comprehensive preparation to lead, teach, disciple, and counsel in a broad range of Christian ministry opportunities.

Degree Highlights

  • 85 hours
  • MDiv available fully online
  • Includes biblical languages
  • Preparation for church and mission service

The MDiv in the Jack D. Terry School of Educational Ministries provides comprehensive preparation for students to lead, teach, disciple, and counsel in a broad range of Christian ministry opportunities, especially in local churches.

Students receive training in classical theological disciplines such as Old Testament, New Testament, church history, systematic theology, and biblical languages, as well as applied disciplines such as Christian leadership, preaching, evangelism, discipleship, worship, missions, Bible teaching, and counseling. In addition, students may use elective hours to pursue concentrations from the Terry School of Educational Ministries in accordance with their ministry goals and academic interests.


Student testimonial

Degree Requirements

Biblical HermeneuticsBIBST 32033
Old Testament I*OLDTS 33133
Old Testament II*OLDTS 33233
New Testament I*NEWTS 33133
New Testament II*NEWTS 33233
Biblical Greek IGREEK 33133
Biblical Hebrew IHEBRW 43133
Biblical Greek II or Biblical Hebrew IIGREEK 3323 or HEBREW 43233
Systematic Theology ISYSTH 30533
Systematic Theology IISYSTH 30633
Systematic Theology IIISYSTH 30733
Baptist HeritageBPTST 32033
Church History ICHAHT 31033
Church History IICHAHT 31133
Spiritual FormationSPFRM 30222

Total Hours

* Students who have completed Old Testament or New Testament introductory courses in their undergraduate work with a grade of “A” or “B” may be eligible to replace these surveys with other OLDTS and NEWTS courses instead. An evaluation of the undergraduate transcript must be performed to determine eligibility. The student must complete an “Advanced Standing without Credit” application and have a transcript evaluation by the Office of the Registrar.

** Female students will take WOMST 4043.

*** Students seeking a concentration might be required to take concentration-specific Field Experience courses in that division. See Concentrations.

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