Master of Theological Studies with a Concentration in Cross-Cultural Missions

Roy J. Fish School of Evangelism and Missions

Master of Theological Studies with a Concentration in Cross-Cultural Missions

Flexible study options for those heading immediately to the mission field

This degree provides core theological training for a variety of ministries, as well as additional courses in missions.

Degree Highlights

  • 45 hours
  • Available fully online
  • Meets key International Mission Board requirements
  • Prepares students for cross-cultural ministry

This concentration meets the International Mission Board’s requirement of 45 hours of training for the Macedonia Project. The Macedonia Project of the International Mission Board is for those who feel called to serve in areas of the world that require immediate deployment and provides flexibility to complete the needed theological education through online study.
The degree is suitable, however, for any candidate that seeks the flexibility of online theological education that provides core theological training plus additional courses in missions. The degree is composed of the required thirty-six hours for the general MTS plus nine hours of missions courses. 


Student Testimony

Course Requirements

Biblical HermeneuticsBIBST 32033
Old Testament IOLDTS 33133
Old Testament IIOLDTS 33233
New Testament INEWTS 33133
New Testament IINEWTS 33233
Church History ICHAHT 31033
Church History IICHAHT 31133
Baptist HeritageBPTST 32033
Systematic Theology ISYSTH 30533
Systematic Theology IISYSTH 30633
Systematic Theology IIISYSTH 30733
Major Living ReligionsMISSN 43333
Introduction to MissiologyMISSN 33633
Contemporary EvangelismEVANG 33033
Applied Anthropology for Biblical Church PlantingMISSN 46533
Summative EvaluationMISSN 50000

Total Hours

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