Master of Theology (School of Theology)
School of Theology
Master of Theology Degree
The most advanced theological degree at the master’s level.
This degree enhances ministerial practice, preparation for doctoral studies, and further mastery of a specialized discipline.
Degree Highlights
- 24-25 hours
- Available fully online
- Thesis and non-thesis tracks available
The most advanced theological degree at the master’s level, the Master of Theology (ThM) allows students to gain a high level of competency in one major area of study after completion of the Master of Divinity. The Th.M. enhances ministerial practice, preparation for doctoral studies, and further mastery of a specialized discipline.

Entrance Requirements
The student must have completed a Master of Divinity degree or its equivalent from an accredited seminary or divinity school with a minimum GPA of 3.0. The ThM assumes exegetical competence in Greek and Hebrew. A student who has not developed exegetical competence in Greek and Hebrew may complete prerequisite language courses before beginning work toward the degree. One year of Greek, one year of Hebrew, and one additional semester of syntax in either Greek or Hebrew must be completed with a minimum grade of B-.
International applicants must complete the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) with a minimum score of 100 on the internet-based test or 250 on the computer-based test. Students who do not complete the internet-based TOEFL must also complete the TSE (Test of Spoken English).
Application Deadlines
All application materials must be submitted by:
Fall: July 15
Spring: December 15
Summer: April 15
International students must meet earlier deadlines as set by the Office of International Student Services.
Degree Requirements
The Master of Theology (ThM) consists of a 25 (Thesis) or 24-hour (non-Thesis) curriculum. Majors available in the School of Theology are:
- New Testament
- Old Testament
- Theological Studies
- Ethics, Philosophy, and Apologetics
- Pastoral Ministry
- Preaching
All requirements, including the thesis, must be completed within three years of entrance into the program.
One Ph. D. research seminar (4 hours) is allowable by permission from the professor of record for all concentrations except Old and New Testament. The Old Testament concentration requires a minimum of two Hebrew/Aramaic texts courses (2 hours) and the New Testament concentration requires a minimum of two Greek texts courses (2 hours). Old Testament majors may complete Greek texts courses and New Testament majors may complete Hebrew/Aramaic texts courses, but only a total of four hours applies to the Th. M. program. The Ph. D. research seminar option for all other concentrations should be taken mid to end of curriculum. All students must complete 24-25 hours for the degree.
Students may take courses related to but outside of their specific concentration. For example, a Theological Studies major may take a course in Pauline Theology offered by the Biblical Studies Division, and a New Testament major may take a course in Christology offered by the Theological Studies Division. Additionally, Old Testament and New Testament majors may choose to focus part of their concentration hours on Biblical Backgrounds. Faculty supervisors approve course selections each semester.
All courses must be completed with a B- or better. No course with a grade below B- will count toward the degree.
Non-Thesis Track Degree Requirements
Students pursuing the non-thesis track must pass a comprehensive exam in the chosen major. The comprehensive exam will be registered in the final semester (THMTH 5001).
Thesis Track Degree Requirements
The ThM thesis should demonstrate the student’s ability to design a viable research project, pursue the research in relative independence, and write with clarity and force. An acceptable thesis should go beyond the description of data and include critical evaluation and interpretive judgment. The thesis must address a topic in the student’s major. The thesis supervisor is assigned in consultation with the program supervisor and the Associate Dean of the School of Theology.
The Graduate Research Seminar must be taken prior to Thesis Writing. Guidelines for thesis submission may be obtained from the Office of the Associate Dean of the School of Theology. The student should work closely with the thesis supervisor throughout all stages of thesis work.
Up to six hours may be transferred into the Th.M. from an accredited MDiv. Transferred courses must be in the major selected for the ThM.
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