New Life Church of Chicago Scholarship

New Life Church of Chicago Scholarship

Eligibility: Korean American or other ethnic minority students who resides in USA and meet one of the following requirements.

  • Currently studying theology in seminary or graduate school.
  • Pastor’s child or missionary’s child who is currently enrolled in college or graduate school.
  • All candidates must have completed a minimum of 8 credit hours for graduate student and 15 credit hours for undergraduate student from the accredited schools, and the average grade point should be B+ or better.

Awards 15 people and $1,500 each.

Required documents (in English or Korean):

  • Completed Application and Financial data form (download from church website)
  • Personal testimony and vision statement (500 words or less)
  • Two letters of recommendation from Senior Pastor and/or Professors
  • Official transcript from the currently enrolled institution

Application Due: All required documents must be submitted to the church address below and postmarked on or before 10/31/2021. New Life Church of Chicago Scholarship Committee 1200 West Northwest Hwy. Palatine, Illinois 60067.

Award announcement: Scholarship recipients will be posted on church website by 12/12/2021.

If you have any questions regarding this scholarship, please email to: