Amid downtown clamor, Christ’s message reaches young soul

A group of downtown evangelists learned recently that while their music couldn’t be heard in the din of the city, the Word of God rang out clearly and found willing listeners. Five Southwestern students with a heart for street preaching shared the Gospel with many and led a young boy to invite Christ into his…

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School of Church Music offers bachelor’s degree in composition

Southwestern Seminary’s School of Church Music has launched a new Bachelor of Music in Composition, available now, for undergraduate students to receive training in the skills and techniques of musical composition. The National Association of Schools of Music (NASM), the accrediting association for higher education in music, approved the 126-hour degree, which will allow students…

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God works wonders in East Asia (Part 3 of 3)

As the number of house churches in a closed part of East Asia surpassed 700, Joy and Jeremiah Farmer,* the first missionary presence in this region, took on a supervisory role over these churches, training their leaders in evangelism, discipleship and missions. Throughout the couple’s third term on the mission field, the task of missions-sending…

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God works wonders in East Asia (Part 2 of 3)

By the end of their first term in a closed part of East Asia, missionaries Joy and Jeremiah Farmer* had accomplished the first two of the IMB’s six core tasks—entry and evangelism.** Leading people to the Lord themselves and teaching others to do the same, the Farmers had begun to receive reports daily of people…

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God works wonders in East Asia (Part 1 of 3)

Jeremiah Farmer* and his wife Joy received a clear call from the Lord to minister in East Asia, but exactly what their ministry should look like was unclear. The couple had been heavily involved in the ministry of their local church, but they had no seminary training nor any plans to pack up their lives…

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