Faculty panel discusses Southwestern’s globally engaged core value

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) continued its emphasis on missions during its Sept. 10 chapel service, which featured a panel of SWBTS and Texas Baptist College (TBC) faculty discussing the seminary’s globally engaged core value. The panel featured Dean Sieberhagen, interim dean of the Roy J. Fish School of Evangelism, director of the World Missions…

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Southwestern Seminary statement on settlement with former president

In response to media inquiries, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary issued the following statement concerning a settlement announced today with former President Adam W. Greenway who filed a lawsuit against the institution on March 20, 2024: “When Adam Greenway approached the seminary on the eve of his deposition and offered to drop his lawsuit with no…

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Joint statement of Southwestern Seminary and former President Adam W. Greenway

The following joint statement was issued today concerning a settlement agreement between Southwestern Seminary and former President Adam W. Greenway: “We are grateful to have this resolution between Southwestern Seminary and its ninth president, Dr. Adam W. Greenway.  No monetary consideration was paid as part of this resolution.  The trustees and Dr. Greenway are looking…

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Southwestern turns focus to the nations during Global Missions Week

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary celebrated and encouraged its core value of being globally engaged with a Global Missions Emphasis week, Sep. 3-6, which included a variety of opportunities for students to meet missionaries, hear from evangelism and missions faculty, and learn of opportunities for them join in missions. “This is a very important week for…

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