Annual ‘Revive This Nation’ effort yields countrywide harvest

Each year during spring break, Southwestern Seminary deploys preachers across the country to preach revivals in local churches and impact their surrounding communities with the Gospel through a program called “Revive This Nation” (RTN). This year, March 11-14, 87 students and faculty preached from New York to Hawaii, and they collectively saw 90 professions of faith, 31 baptisms, and 307 other commitments. Click any of the links below to read some specific testimonies of God’s amazing work during the week.
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- RTN preacher’s journey bookended by two salvations
At the airport terminal before the revival and in the hotel lobby after, Joey Smith leads two people to faith in Christ. Read more.
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- Spirit overcomes cultural differences to touch three lives
“I think I got a glimpse of what heaven may look like when we gather together from different cultures, different backgrounds, different ethnicities, different ways of worship, and we expound upon our great Savior.” Read more.
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- God blesses prayerful preparation of church, calls four people to salvation
One young girl’s testimony: “I’m not of this world anymore. I belong to God, and I can do great things for Him.” Read more.
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- Preacher finds personal revival through God’s triumph over adversity
The trials of a rough car ride, a wrong gate, a sleepless flight, lost luggage, a lost job, and a serious illness fail to overcome God’s higher purpose of drawing people to Himself. Read more.
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- God brings revival to church in transition
Twenty people commit to bring the Gospel to their friends and neighbors, seven rededicate their lives to Christ, and five profess faith in Jesus. Read more.
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- Eiffel Tower pin ignites divine appointment
A pin sparks a Gospel conversation with a dying woman who grew up Nazi-occupied France. Read more.
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- Revival preacher overcomes nerves, witnesses great works of God
His second time preaching, and his first in English, Marko Juricek witnesses two people come to faith in Christ and two accept the call to ministry. Read more.
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- Harvest North America partnership propels personal evangelism efforts
Twenty churches undergo special training in intentional evangelism, and God uses it to bring a great harvest. Read more.