FROM THE HILL: Queen discusses new book, Darling addresses morality, Ford speaks about St. Augustine and friendship

“From the Hill” is a regular series highlighting the work of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Texas Baptist College’s faculty. Check back here regularly to find articles, blogs, podcasts, interviews, and more. “Yes, you can legislate morality: Righteous laws influence behavior and declare moral truth” (article on WORLD), written by Dan Darling, director of the…

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Notice to seminary community

At roughly 1:00 p.m. this afternoon, Southwestern Seminary became aware of an outstanding warrant for Christian Flores, a Texas Baptist College student, for one count of felony sexual assault. Immediately upon becoming aware of the warrant, Southwestern Seminary Campus Police began working with the Fort Worth Police Department and the Burleson Police Department to locate…

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Queen’s ‘Recapturing Evangelism’ tops Amazon charts in first weeks after release

Recapturing Evangelism: A Biblical-Theological Approach, an evangelism textbook published by B&H Academic, recorded the top spot for new releases in the categories of evangelism and Christian missions and missionary work during the first 11 days following its Jan. 5 release, said Matt Queen, author of the new work and interim provost at Southwestern Baptist Theological…

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Biblical counseling training brings hope to ‘frontline’ ministers in Japan

According to the Joshua Project, the Japanese population of 120 million people constitute the second largest unreached people group in the world, with only 0.3 percent identifying as evangelical Christians. Furthermore, Statista revealed that, in 2021, roughly 21,000 individuals in Japan committed suicide. These facts compelled Jon Okinaga, assistant professor of biblical counseling at Southwestern…

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