FIRST-PERSON: A Week of Thanksgiving

Today marks the week-long Thanksgiving break for Southwestern Seminary. Classes are paused this week, and we, like our colleagues, are catching up on grading assignments and administrative projects and spending extra time with our families. Students are likewise redeeming time with their families and (hopefully) advancing on assignments and preparing for the final two weeks of classes and final exams. For nearly 260 students, graduation is excitedly on the event horizon, Dec. 14.
In contrast to the world already bedecked to celebrate Christmas consumerism and vibrating with the fervor of anticipated Black Friday, football games and parades, this week is a moment to take a holy pause. It is a moment to reflect and give thanksgiving to God. We have much to be thankful for, to be sure, including our salvation, family, friends and much, much more. Today, however, we focus our thanksgiving on what we have observed at Southwestern Seminary this semester.
We give thanks to God for the Southwestern family. It would be an understatement to say that summer 2018 was a tumultuous time for Southwestern Seminary. Confusion, innuendos, misinformation, weaponized social media, and the uncertainty of transition created a toxic atmosphere that made only one entity elated, the prince of this world. However, praise God for one of our favorite phrases in Scripture, “but God.” But God worked through the Southwestern family. Students, staff and professors fell to their knees and prayed the campus through the storm. They remained steadfast to their call and showed up for the new semester, and they have walked through the semester with purpose and excellence. The campus has embraced one another, and continues to, in fellowship. We have spent much of the semester intentionally and casually talking with professors, staff and students to see how they are doing this semester and to encourage them. Yet, they end up encouraging us! The Southwestern family has kept their eyes on Jesus, who sits on the throne. To be sure, there remains work to be done to right the ship, make repairs from the storm, and even rig the ship differently. However, the Southwestern family has parried distraction and discouragement with unwavering focus and love.
We give thanks to God for Southwestern’s ministry partners. We remain resolutely encouraged by Southwestern’s alumni and donors. Alumni are constantly contacting Southwestern, stating, “We love our school. What can we do to help?” They are self-assembling into networks of assistance to come alongside Southwestern to partner in equipping God-called students. Alumni, regardless of the graduation generation, are laying down bygone wounds and differences and are embracing Southwestern Seminary’s welcoming spirit to assist in moving forward. All are sensing the urgency to reach the lost and to deploy equipped men and women into our churches to lead the charge.
Likewise, the majority of Southwestern’s donors continue to focus on students and equipping them with theological education rather than focus on persons and transition. Donors faithfully continue to give gifts to support students and academic programs, as well as give unrestricted funds for core support, providing critical services and programs for the student learning experience. Praise be to God for the generosity and prayers of our ministry partners.
We give thanks to God for His Spirit on campus. We urge you to attend a chapel service if you are able. The Spirit of God has been moving in particular this semester on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10-11 a.m. You can watch the fall chapel messages here. Worship has been palatably authentic, preaching has been text-driven, testimonies have been transparent, and fellowship has been sweet. Outside of chapel, conversations that need to take place are happening with respect, transparency and reconciliation. Professors and staff have rolled up their sleeves as co-laborers in Christ to move Southwestern Seminary forward. To be sure, an air of excitement exists for Southwestern’s next 100 years. We should not be surprised, of course—the Southwestern family, ministry partners and SBC churches have called out to God on behalf of Southwestern Seminary, and He has answered with His guiding Spirit.
So, take a moment this week and join us in echoing King David’s words from Psalm 100 on behalf of Southwestern Seminary:
Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth.
Serve the Lord with gladness;
Come before Him with joyful singing.
Know that the Lord Himself is God;
It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving
And His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him, bless His name.
For the Lord is good;
His lovingkindness is everlasting
And His faithfulness to all generations.
*Administration consists of interim president D. Jeffrey Bingham, interim chief academic officer George Klein, vice president Kevin Ensley, vice president Charles Patrick Jr., vice president Kyle Walker, and vice president Travis Trawick.