Former trustee R.E. Smith dies

Royal Everett “R.E.” Smith Jr., a former trustee of Southwestern Seminary, died on Sept. 7. He was 89.
Smith was born in Abilene, Texas, on Nov. 17, 1928, to Royal Everett Smith Sr. and Annie Willey Smith. He went on to join the U.S. Navy, serving in World War II. He married his wife Marilyn in 1954. They had two children.
Smith was active in the local church, serving as a deacon at the First Baptist Church of Dallas. He also served on Southwestern Seminary’s board of trustees for over a decade, from the mid-1990s to early 2000s, as well as the seminary’s board of visitors.
“R.E. was a strong figure among a group of trustees who were instrumental in the completion of the conservative reformation of Southwestern,” says Craig Blaising, executive vice president and provost. “He loved the seminary and took an active interest in all things Southwestern as long as he was able. Diane and I loved R.E. and Marilyn, and we will pray the Lord’s comfort for her in these days.”
In addition to serving on the board of trustees, Smith, along with his wife, also provided the Southwestern library with the Amy Glenn collection. Glenn was a Southwestern alumnus, completing her religious education degree in 1924 and going on to serve as a teacher in Texas schools.
Upon receiving the collection courtesy of the Smiths, then-dean of libraries Berry Driver said, “[This collection] provides a window into Southern Baptist life, particularly seminary life, here on campus during the 1920s.” The collection includes several cookbooks from local clubs and churches, a diary, selected books from An Interpretation of the English Bible by B.H. Carroll, church record books, some personal photos, and Glenn’s class ring from Southwestern Seminary.
Smith is survived by his wife of 64 years, Marilyn; their two children, Alan and Cynthia; and three grandchildren.