FROM THE HILL: Darling interviews on the topic of kindness, Ford contributes to new spiritual formation book, and more

“From the Hill” is a regular series highlighting the work of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Texas Baptist College’s faculty. Check back here regularly to find articles, blogs, podcasts, interviews, and more.
“Reality proves hard to beat” (article on WORLD), written by Dan Darling, director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement, assistant professor of faith and culture, Texas Baptist College
- “A recently released survey by the Public Religion Research Institute shows that a significant majority of Americans still believe in the reality of two genders, and it’s not just the much-covered cohort of evangelicals who are shaping public opinion.”
“Theological Interpretation of Scripture as Spiritual Formation” (published by Brill), contributions by Coleman Ford, assistant professor of humanities, Texas Baptist College
- “Academic expertise is essential. But have you ever wondered how it itself is spiritually formative? This book, coming from an interdisciplinary assortment of scholars, shows how the exegetical methods of Theological Interpretation of Scripture (TIS) are themselves spiritually formative. This book provides a diverse collection of essays that focus on theological interpretative methods that result in a unique transformational experience not achieved through historical-critical or grammatical-historical approaches alone. Renowned thinkers—such as biblical scholar Ben Witherington III, historical theologian Mark Elliott, and theologian Arthur Sutherland—offer new works that explore how reading theologically can transform theology, cultures, and individuals. These new studies focus on the theological exegesis of such thinkers as Mother Teresa, Thomas Aquinas, Ignatius of Antioch, and Clement of Alexandria. The collection also includes several important and timely pieces that show how theological interpretation leads to moral formation within diverse cultural groups including African American and Latinx communities.”
“FIRST-PERSON: How to love America” (article on Baptist Press), written by Dan Darling, director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement, assistant professor of faith and culture, Texas Baptist College
- “This year, across America, families large and small will gather and celebrate America’s 247th birthday. As we break out the fireworks (legally, of course), crank up the Lee Greenwood, and light the grill, we should reflect on how Christians should feel about this nation.”
“For Christians, Kindness Is Not a Tactic – It’s a Command” (episode on ChurchLeaders), featuring Dan Darling, director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement, assistant professor of faith and culture, Texas Baptist College
- “How do church leaders approach divisions among God’s people, particularly when we’re facing events like another presidential election?”