FROM THE HILL: Park provides comments on transgender issues, Darling writes for WORLD and more


“From the Hill” is a regular series highlighting the work of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Texas Baptist College’s faculty. Check back here regularly to find articles, blogs, podcasts, interviews, and more.

Yes, democracy lives in Tennessee” (article on WORLD), written by Dan Darling, director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement, assistant professor of faith and culture, Texas Baptist College

  • We are used to hot takes on the internet and we know them when we see them—but then there is the screed recently published by the venerable publication, The Atlantic, once the home of bylines by distinguished luminaries like Frederick Douglas, Mark Twain, and Abraham Lincoln.

Teen gender transitions hit roadblocks in Europe” (article on Baptist Press), featuring comments from Lilly Park, associate professor of biblical counseling

  • NASHVILLE (BP) – European nations and scientific professional societies are rethinking the wisdom of adolescent gender transitions.

America’s new malaise” (article on WORLD), written by Dan Darling, director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement, assistant professor of faith and culture, Texas Baptist College

  • NBC news released a poll last year measuring voter sentiment in the United States. One particular answer revealed a deep-seeded cynicism among American citizens. According to NBC, 58 percent believe “America’s best days are behind it.” This registered as the highest level of dissatisfaction in over 30 years. Another poll, taken more recently, measured Republican voters, 70 percent of whom disagreed with the statement that America’s best days are ahead. This wasn’t surprising, given that Democrats control the White House and Senate and that tends to put the opposite party in a bad mood.

Why You Should Sing in Church” (article on BP ToolBox), written by Dan Darling, director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement, assistant professor of faith and culture, Texas Baptist College

  • I’ve been singing in church since before I can remember. As a kid, my mother would dress me up in a suit and tie and our family would attend church Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday. The church I grew up in was pretty conservative, singing only out of the hymnbook, with a simple piano and all four verses of every hymn.

Baptist leaders applaud transgender athlete decisions as victory for reality” (article on Baptist Press), featuring comments from Dan Darling, director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement, assistant professor of faith and culture, Texas Baptist College

  • LAUSANNE, Switzerland (BP) – Recent decisions by World Aquatics, requiring transgender men to compete in an “open” category rather than against women, are examples of common sense prevailing in the transgender debate, according to two Southern Baptist leaders.

The rise of non-worshipping ‘evangelicals’” (article on WORLD), written by Dan Darling, director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement, assistant professor of faith and culture, Texas Baptist College

  • According to a recent survey, 40 million people have stopped going to church in the last 25 years. The authors of this new study, The Great DeChurching, which comprehensively polled 7,000 Americans, argue this is the largest religious shift in American history. There is much to lament in the decline in church attendance. It has and will continue to have a negative impact on human flourishing, polarization, and the vital social services churches provide.

Americans’ values shifting away from biblical values, but hope remains” (article on Baptist Press), featuring comments from Dan Darling, director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement, assistant professor of faith and culture, Texas Baptist College

  • NASHVILLE (BP) – A leading evangelical political scientist says recent trends reveal the culture is quickly shifting away from biblical values on issues such as adultery, pornography and abortion.