Grace challenges newest Southwestern Seminary, Texas Baptist College graduates to ‘flourish in ministry’

Framing his address around Martin Luther’s hymn, “A Mighty Fortress is Our God,” W. Madison Grace II, provost and vice president for academic administration at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, challenged the 339 men and women who received their diplomas and certificates during the Dec. 1 commencement ceremony on the Fort Worth campus to remember longevity and flourishing in ministry requires dependence on the Lord.
“Today you will rightly confess that ‘A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing; our helper He, amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing,’” said Grace, who is also the dean of the School of Theology. “But I wonder if some of you trust more in yourself than the Lord?”
The fall graduating class represented 30 states and United States territories and 18 countries outside of the U.S. The 57 men and women who earned doctoral degrees from Southwestern’s research doctoral and professional doctoral programs were the largest number of students to graduate with advanced degrees in one semester in the seminary’s history.
Grace, himself a two-time graduate of Southwestern Seminary, noted the number of alumni who have graduated from Seminary Hill who “have been faithful to the end” while also observing “there are others who no longer are fulfilling their calling or even following the Lord.” He said for graduates to “truly flourish” in ministry it “takes care and perseverance.” Grace provided three “practical words of advice” for how to “succeed in ministry.”
Family and friends celebrated with the newest graduates of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Texas Baptist College following the Dec. 1 commencement exercises on the Fort Worth campus.
First, Grace observed, graduates should build “rhythms,” or spiritual habits, into their lives.
“Spiritual habits bring the reminder of the truthfulness of God and His Word every day in our lives,” Grace noted. “Spiritual rhythms are necessary to be able to connect with that which is true, that which is good, and that which is beautiful — God Himself.”
Grace said that life and ministry can have trials, but “when these trials come, you will be better able to sustain yourself by means of a well-trained, disciplined life.” He told graduates that the ability “to stand against” things in the world is characterized by prayer, Bible reading, praise, and “communal-ecclesial living.” Grace said to “resist” the temptation to “give up the daily tasks of devotion as the growing tasks of ministry press in.”
“Protect your spiritual habits,” Grace exhorted. “Build healthy rhythms.”
Second, Grace said, is to “live according to your limits.” Reminding graduates of their limitations as created beings, Grace noted, “There are things that we cannot do, no matter how much we want to do them.”
Adding that God is “the uncreated one and we are created,” Grace said He “is the one whose power transcends natural laws, and we are the ones created to live by them.” God does not have limits while humans do, he explained.
“As we do the work of ministry, in whatever capacity the Lord has given to each of us, we need not put pressures on ourselves that go beyond the created order,” Grace challenged. Observing that people have an “impulse” to “take on more” than they can handle, Grace said they do so at a cost.
“We often try to do the work of ministry on our own will, and are not dependent on His,” Grace observed. “We confide in our strength only to see how weak we truly are.”
Grace encouraged the graduates to “consider the limits of your created self” and to “stop trying to live apart from God’s design for your life.” He challenged the graduates to work hard – “all for God’s glory” – but to also remember to rest.
“The ministry or job you are a part of is not dependent on you and it won’t fall apart because you took a break,” Grace reminded the graduates. “In fact, the work you will do will be more effective with a rhythm of rest.”
The fall 2023 graduating class of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Texas Baptist College represented 30 states and United States territories and 18 countries outside of the U.S.
Third and finally, Grace said, “Let Christ be the foundation of your life.”
“The work we are called to do is one that is built upon the work that is already victorious,” he noted. “We have to stop fighting battles that He has already won” adding that Luther’s hymn reads, “He must win the battle!”
Grace reminded the graduates that as they leave Seminary Hill to engage in the Great Commission, they “must remember the whole endeavor is bookended by Jesus Christ.” Observing Jesus’s words to His disciples in the Matt. 28:19-20 passage begins with “all authority has been granted to me in heaven and on earth” and concludes with “behold I am with you always, even to the end of the age,” Grace said “the power and the presence of Christ” is throughout His commission.
“He has not called us to do a work on our own but He has called us to partner with Him as He completes His work on this earth,” Grace said. “The Word is above all the earthly powers and no thanks to these powers, and yet He empowers us to accomplish His work.”
Noting Luther’s lyric, “The Spirit and the gifts are ours through Him who with us sideth,” Grace reminded the graduates, “Christ is with us at every turn, He does not leave us nor forsake us.”
“If you are going to flourish in ministry, daily find your all in the One who has called and empowered you to do so,” Grace concluded.
The entire commencement ceremony can be viewed here.