Hale, Grahams honored with Southwestern Seminary’s Carroll, Scarborough awards

Carroll Scarborough Luncheon

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary honored two longtime ministry partners for their generosity and support during the annual Founder’s Day Awards Luncheon held March 19. JoAn Hale received the B.H. Carroll Award, and Jack and Deborah Graham received the L.R. Scarborough Award.

Following a Founder’s Day chapel address by Timothy George, distinguished professor of divinity and founding dean of the Beeson Divinity School, the awards luncheon included attendees from Southwestern faculty and staff, trustees, past recipients and other seminary donors, and family and friends of the recipients.

The luncheon opened with remarks by Jack D. Terry Jr. interim vice president for institutional advancement and former dean of the Jack D. Terry School of Educational Ministries, which was named in his honor in 2009. Terry welcomed guests and told of the history of the awards.

Carroll, Scarborough awards honor faithful supporters

In presenting the B.H. Carroll Award, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary President David S. Dockery noted that Carroll was the “founding visionary” of the seminary, adding it was appropriate that the award be named for him.

The B.H. Carroll Award is given to honorees actively engaged in the life and ministry of the seminary, who have given sacrificial and significant gifts to the seminary, and have a life and witness consistent with the Christian mission and teaching of the seminary.

JoAn Hale, the 2024 recipient of the B.H. Carroll Award at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, poses with President David S. Dockery and her family. Hale and her late husband, Clifton, made their first gift to the seminary in 1988.

Dockery introduced the 2024 recipient, JoAn Hale, whom he said models consistency, faithfulness, and generosity to Southwestern.

“I’m a nervous wreck, so say a prayer,” Hale said, drawing laughter from attendees during her remarks upon receiving the award. She noted that her late husband, Clifton, had been the speaker, not her. She said that when their son died, her husband wanted them to think about doing more for “the Lord’s work.” The couple gave their first gift to Southwestern in 1988, and she has been a consistent supporter of the seminary’s mission ever since.

Jack Graham gives remarks on behalf of he and his wife, Deborah, after the couple was awarded the L.R. Scarborough Award at Southwestern Seminary. Jack Graham is a two-time graduate of Southwestern and the pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas.

Dockery then presented the L.R. Scarborough Award, named in honor of the seminary’s second president and the namesake of the school’s evangelism academic chair, the “Chair of Fire.”

The award is given to honorees actively engaged in the life and ministry of the seminary, who have given and/or directed significant gifts to the seminary, and have a life and witness consistent with the Christian mission and teaching of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. This year’s recipients were Jack and Deborah Graham.

Dockery said Jack Graham, senior pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano and two-time Southwestern Seminary graduate, has “served Baptist churches well.” Graham was given the Distinguished Alumnus Award by Southwestern in 2001 and served as president of the Southern Baptist Convention from 2002-2004.

As he looked upon the faces of the attendees, Graham said there were “a lot of memories in this room.” He added that “Southwestern has done more for us than we have ever done for Southwestern.”

Dockery closed his remarks by noting that in September 2022 the seminary had claimed Psalm 90:17 as its verse and asked God to “renew this place.”

“The Lord is doing that,” Dockery continued, adding that he is encouraged by everything he sees at the seminary and asked that people “please continue to pray.”