Hundreds hear Patterson in Bolivia, accept Christ

More than 200 Bolivians professed faith in Christ last month as Southwestern President Paige Patterson preached the Word in conjunction with Word of Life Missions in the South American country of Bolivia. During the trip, 2,655 people heard the Gospel preached, and 225 made professions of faith.
On May 25, Patterson—who was accompanied by First Lady Dorothy Patterson and global evangelist Joe Jordan, who served as Patterson’s translator—preached in Cochabamba in central Bolivia on the topic “Born Again to a Living Hope” at the government-operated Sergeants School, where 250 Bolivians heard the Word of God and 86 people prayed for salvation. The following day, Patterson preached at the Naval Academy, where 240 attended and 60 prayed for salvation.
On Saturday, May 27, Mrs. Patterson presented a Bible study for women at Evangelical Church Km 0 in a special meeting for Mother’s Day. There, three Bolivians prayed to receive Christ. At a family conference at the church that evening attended by 1,400 people, 65 more reached out for salvation after the Gospel was preached by Dr. Patterson.
God’s blessing continued throughout the weekend, as another women’s conference welcomed 450 women, and 230 people later attended a church service in which Dr. Patterson preached. Following the Gospel presentation at this latter event, 11 people responded to the invitation to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Word of Life (WOL) is a nondenominational Christian organization that preaches the Word of God worldwide to create Scripture-based, faith-defining experiences that give people the opportunity to know God. WOL strives to reach youth whose culture is always changing with biblical truth that never changes, seeking to be both Bible-based and relevant. WOL Bolivia has reached tens of thousands of Bolivians since its outreach there began in 1998.