Longtime music ministry leader Jon Duncan joins Southwestern Seminary faculty

Jon Duncan, a longtime denominational music ministry leader, has been appointed senior professor of church music and worship in the School of Church Music and Worship at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, the school’s administration announced today.
“I’m very pleased by the addition of Dr. Jon Duncan to the faculty of the School of Church Music and Worship as senior professor,” says President Adam W. Greenway. “Dr. Duncan brings a wealth of ministry experience at two state Baptist conventions, where his impact has touched the lives of thousands in music ministry in the churches and throughout our denomination. I’m delighted to welcome this legacy Southwesterner to begin a new chapter of ministry as senior professor investing in the next generation of future music and worship ministers at Southwestern Seminary.”
Joseph R. Crider, dean of the School of Church Music and Worship, says, “I am thrilled and honored to welcome to our faculty someone of Jon’s vast experience and expertise. He is an astute worship theologian, a wonderful musician and choral conductor, and a pastor to pastors. I can’t think of anyone more well-suited to help us with our new initiatives in the D.Ed.Min. in Christian Worship.”
In his role, effective January 2021, Duncan will teach courses and provide direction to the Doctor of Educational Ministry in Worship degree.
Duncan joins the faculty with more than 40 years of local church and denominational service, primarily in Oklahoma and Georgia. Since 2002, he has served as the worship consultant and catalyst for the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, where he oversaw ministry consultants who worked with local churches in all areas of worship ministry needs.
Duncan served in a similar role for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma from 1992-2002, and prior to that, he was minister of music for various Southern Baptist churches for more than a decade.
Duncan earned his Bachelor of Music from the University of Oklahoma (1978), his Master of Education from Phillips University (1981), his Master of Music from Southwestern Seminary (1989), and his Doctor of Ministry from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary (2001).
“As an alum of the School of Church Music and Worship,” Crider says, “Dr. Duncan is very familiar with the rich history and legacy of our program, and he understands well that our first priority is to serve Southern Baptist churches by training and equipping the next generation of worship pastors and church musicians.”
Duncan says his return to Southwestern Seminary is a return to an institution that invested much in his own life and ministry.
“I look forward to serving with the excellent faculty led by Dr. Crider,” Duncan says. “The faculty is outstanding. The future is bright for the [School of Church Music and Worship], and I am glad to be a part of it.”
“I greatly appreciate President Greenway for his vision to see Southwestern Seminary move forward in equipping leaders for the church,” Duncan adds. “To play a small role in this vision is a blessing. As a minister who has walked the road of challenge, suffering, redemption, and blessing, I look forward to connecting with fellow travelers to provide insight and encouragement. For all this and all I can give, may God receive all the glory.”