FROM THE HILL: McCoy discusses gender executive order, new book released on IMB history

“From the Hill” is a regular series highlighting the work of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s faculty. Check back here regularly to find articles, blogs, podcasts, interviews, and more.
“Episode 168: Adam Greenway Looking Back and Looking Forward,” Adam W. Greenway (president of Southwestern Seminary and Scarborough College), interviewed on “Not Another Baptist Podcast”
- “Kyle and Matt welcome the return of Dr. Adam Greenway, president of The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, to the podcast. We discussed lessons learned in 2020 and what we hope to see in 2021 as God continues to breathe new life on Seminary Hill.”
“Falling Seed: Hymnals’ value for your worship planning” (article in The Baptist Standard), by Scott Aniol, associate professor of church music and worship
- “Many churches recognize the importance of utilizing traditional hymns in corporate worship, and hymnals remain valuable sources of such historic Christian songs. However, in an internet age, some worship planners are unsure how to use a hymnal effectively. Here are some ways to use hymnals as you plan a service.”
“Preaching Points Series” (online training videos produced by the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention), featuring Deron Biles (professor of preaching and pastoral ministry), Matthew McKellar (professor of preaching), and Jim Wicker (professor of New Testament)
- “Kenneth Priest, director of convention strategies [and interim director for Southwestern’s Center for Church Revitalization], and Matthew McKellar, professor of preaching at SWBTS, host a 13-week series focused on church revitalization.”
“FIRST-PERSON: Agents of reconciliation in 2021” (article in Baptist Press), by David S. Dockery, interim provost, distinguished professor of theology, editor of the Southwestern Journal of Theology, and theologian-in-residence at the B.H. Carroll Center for Baptist Heritage and Mission
- “God’s reconciling action was not only historically completed at the cross. There is an ongoing aspect to it for us today as the message of reconciliation is shared and lived out for the world to hear and see, so that men and women will believe this good news of the Gospel.”
“Missions, mentoring among Lane Prairie’s priorities” (article in The Southern Baptist Texan), by Erin Roach, interviewing Travis S. Kerns (associate professor of apologetics and world religions) and Matt Queen (associate dean of the Roy J. Fish School of Evangelism and Missions, associate professor of evangelism, L.R. Scarborough Chair of Evangelism)
- “The church recently hired Travis Kerns as associate pastor of missions and mentoring. Kerns served as a Send City Missionary in Salt Lake City with the North American Mission Board for six years before moving to Fort Worth as associate professor of apologetics and world religions at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.”
“FIRST-PERSON: How to share Christ with Latter-day Saints” (article in Baptist Press), by Travis S. Kerns
- “When you present the Gospel message and stick to the text of the New Testament, you cannot say anything wrong because you are quoting God Himself. We never go wrong by using the fully authoritative, completely inerrant, totally infallible, wholly sufficient Word of God!”
Make Disciples of All Nations: A History of Southern Baptist International Missions (book), edited by John D. Massey (dean of the Roy J. Fish School of Evangelism and Missions, associate professor of missions), Mike Morris (senior professor of missions), and W. Madison Grace II (associate professor of Baptist heritage, director of the Oxford Study Program)
- “Besides recounting its historical development, the contributors to this volume critically evaluate the IMB’s strategies and methods, as well as examine its controversies, regional developments, and organizational changes. The concluding chapter explores how Southern Baptist missions can best adapt to an era of global Christianity.”
“An executive order marginalizing women and girls” (article on World Magazine), by Katie J. McCoy, assistant professor of theology in women’s studies
- “Under this order, a biological male has a right to compete against females in high-school sports, use the women’s locker room, and use the women’s restroom. His biology does not prevent him from entering the social spaces of his preference. In fact, to insist otherwise and deny him access to a woman’s social space is tantamount to denying him the right to use any social space.”
“Kids, Teens, and Anxiety,” Lilly H. Park (associate professor of biblical counseling), interviewed by Dawson Memorial Baptist Church
- “Lilly Park […] has served on church staff and as a staff counselor at a ministry that cares for young moms. She desires to help others think critically about life experiences and struggle from a Christ-centered perspective that is based on the authority of Scripture with the aim of loving God and loving others.”