Men’s Game Banquet sees 191 professions of faith

Alex Sibley


Nearly 2,000 men and boys filled MacGorman Chapel for the Men’s Game Banquet, Feb. 20, united by a love for the great outdoors—the artistry of the fields, streams and mountains; of the fish and the animals; of the sunrises and sunsets. And there on the campus of Southwestern Seminary, many of them met for the first time the Artist who made it all—the heavenly Father.

Though the banquet featured free barbeque, exhibits and door prizes, and speakers Paige Patterson and David Morris related hunting stories regarding some of their most prized trophies, the clear focus of the evening was the Gospel. Of the almost 2,000 men assembled, 191 responded to the Gospel message by surrendering their lives to the lordship of Jesus Christ.

David Morris, Tecomate president and CEO, gave the first presentation, sharing, among other things, his experience of taking down an elephant. “[But] as much as I love hunting,” he continued, “it is not my first love. My first love is Jesus Christ.”

Morris explained that, for many years, he was hesitant to submit to God’s authority for fear that God would force him to abandon his aspirations and become a vocational minister. Nevertheless, conviction brought by the Holy Spirit eventually led him to surrender.  

“And instead of taking away the things that He had put on my heart to have a passion for [like hunting], He expanded my horizons,” Morris said. “It was from that point that I began to hunt all over the world and have TV shows and hunt big deer and have ranches—things that I never dreamed. God’s plans for us are way bigger than ours.”

During his presentation, Patterson, president of Southwestern Seminary, encouraged all those in attendance to go on safari in Africa. He shared some of his own experiences from his time on that continent, and some of his trophies—including a cape buffalo, a roan antelope, and a lioness—sat alongside him on stage to authenticate his stories. Noting that such a trip presents an opportunity for family bonding, Patterson then transitioned into something of a more serious nature.

Citing a study conducted by the Dartmouth medical school, Patterson said America’s No. 1 problem is not immigration, drugs, alcohol, gang warfare in the cities, or even issues with the government. Instead, the No. 1 problem in America today is that one out of every three children grows up without a father.

“We found out that as important as Mom is—and she is critical—Dad, to a little boy, is absolutely imperative,” Patterson said. “And what Daddy does, the kid’s going to do. No wonder we’re in trouble in America.”

Patterson proceeded to inform the men of a terrible truth: many of them are on their way to hell. Acknowledging the numerous reasons that one should want to avoid hell, Patterson pointed to one of particular significance.

“[That Dartmouth study] said that even the harshest of masters, the sons honor,” he said. “[So] as you file off into hell, look behind you: your boy will be there. He may be 13, he may be 33, he may be 53, but he’ll be following you to hell, and his son will follow him.”

In order to be made right with God, Patterson, alluding to Psalm 51:10, said one needs a new heart. He explained, “Only God can create in you a clean heart, but He can do it, and He can do it today.”

Patterson invited those who wanted to surrender their lives to the lordship of Jesus Christ to pray a prayer of salvation. Nearly 200 men did so.  

Though they had come simply to learn how to survive hunting dangerous game, these men left with a relationship with the Creator of all things, the assurance of an eternity in heaven, and a commitment to serve as the spiritual leaders of their households. The following day, Patterson reflected, “While I thank my incredible crew last night for preparing the nets, it is God who prepared the fish! To our Lord goes the ultimate praise.”