New book illuminates biblical teaching on parenting



Note: The following news release was originally published on Baptist Press. See here for the original article.

Seminary Hill Press, the publishing arm of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, has released a new anthology book entitled Everyday Parenting, featuring chapters written by faculty, alumni and friends of the seminary.

Labeled “a text-driven resource for everyday parenting,” the work aims to illuminate what God has revealed in His Word about the numerous aspects of the parenting task in order that readers may raise their children in a biblically informed manner. As stated in the book’s introduction, “everything contained herein is ultimately tied back to Scripture and, by extension, to God Himself.”

Paige and Dorothy Patterson, Southwestern’s president and first lady, respectively, wrote the foreword for the work, calling it a “perceptive and important volume.”

“To even begin the journey [of parenting], you will need to be at your best spiritually, and you will need to have the anointing of God as in no other enterprise of your life,” they wrote. “Therefore, we commend to you one of the best books that we ever read. Remember to read it once, and then again and again until you have it in your heart. Make it a resource to which you go again and again for biblical solutions to the challenges of this world.”

The book covers a wide range of issues in parenting, including evangelism in the home; family worship; whether children should be educated via public school, private school or home school; what to do when children struggle with homosexuality; and dealing with the loss of a child.

Contributors to the book include Malcolm Yarnell, research professor of systematic theology; Charles Patrick, vice president for strategic initiatives and communications; Evan Lenow, associate professor of ethics; and alumna Kelly A. King, who serves as children’s minister at Magnolia Church in Riverside, Calif. Alex Sibley, managing editor of Seminary Hill Press and associate director of news and information at Southwestern, served as the volume’s editor.

Everyday Parenting is available at