Episode 13: Why Emotions Matter & Why We Need to Share Them (Lilly Park)
If this pandemic has left you feeling depressed, anxious, afraid, or lonely, then know that you are not alone. This week, associate professor of biblical counseling Lilly Park joins us to discuss how we can stay emotionally, mentally, and spiritually healthy during times of crisis.
Read MoreEpisode 11: Church, This is Not Our First Pandemic (Gregory Wills & Robert Caldwell)
The church has been weathering plagues for centuries. This week on Ministry Now, we sat down with two church historians to see what we can learn from how Christians have ministered during past pandemics. Dr. Caldwell is a professor of church history here at SWBTS, and Dr. Wills is research professor of church history and…
Read MoreEpisode 10: House Church: The Church of the COVID Era? (Madison Grace)
Churches all over the world are creatively adapting to the needs of the COVID era. What can we learn from house churches during this time? This week on Ministry Now, we’re joined by W. Madison Grace, associate professor of Baptist heritage here at SWBTS, to discuss how the house church model might be of help…
Read MoreEpisode 9: How COVID Could Trigger a Radical Youth Ministry Shift (Richard Ross)
Youth ministry needs to change, and COVID has made those changes more necessary and more possible. This week on Ministry Now, we’re joined by Richard Ross, professor of student ministry at Southwestern Seminary, to discuss how the current pandemic could be leveraged to drive needed change in youth ministry strategies.
Read MoreEpisode 8: When Global Crises Bring Marital Conflicts (Steve & Donna Gaines)
Keeping your marriage together when it feels like the world is falling apart. This week on Ministry Now, we we’re joined by Dr. Steve and Donna Gaines to discuss how couples and families can navigate the stresses that are often triggered by societal crises. Steve is pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, TN. Donna…
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