Professors use ride to airport to lead driver to Christ

Katie Coleman


When Alexandria, a local Uber driver, picked up Southwestern professors Keith Eitel and Matt Queen to take them to the airport for a trip to Singapore, she was uncertain of where she would spend eternity. Her life so far seemed to reflect that of a “good person” who tried to do the right things and occasionally attended church. She identified as a Christian, but she never knew what it meant to repent of her sins and follow Christ, nor was she certain of her salvation. By the time she arrived at their destination, however, Alexandria knew with certainty where she would spend eternity.

After giving introductions, Queen asked Alexandria, “Have you ever been lost before when you drove a customer?” She replied that she knew all too well what it was like to find herself lost due to misdirection from the GPS system she utilizes for her rides.

Understanding the frustration of being lost, Queen conveyed his own experience of being lost, but in the spiritual sense. “I then explained to her the Gospel and how I received Jesus and He found me,” Queen says.

Eitel then gave a full Gospel presentation, asking if she had ever made such a decision to follow Christ. She replied that she had done so, but after further discussion, it was evident that she believed her good works and church attendance were enough to warrant her salvation.

When asked if she was confident that she would go to heaven when she died, she replied, “I hope so, but I don’t know for sure.” Eitel again explained to her the Gospel message and that there is, in fact, a way she can be certain of that answer.

Just as they approached the airport terminal and prepared to step out of the car, Eitel asked Alexandria if she would like to receive Jesus and have the confidence of an eternity spent with God. She said that she would, so Eitel led her in a sinner’s prayer.

“I told her that Scripture says if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you will be saved, and that a simple way to do that is through prayer,” Eitel says. Alexandria did just that, and in so doing, she was saved.

Such conversations with Uber or cab drivers are not uncommon for Eitel or Queen. Even throughout the course of their trip in Singapore, they had numerous similar conversations with drivers, many curious about Christianity and the Gospel. Those conversations did not ultimately yield salvations, but Eitel and Queen are prayerful that foundations were laid for the drivers to one day make the same decision as Alexandria to follow Christ.