School of Church Music and Worship to livestream weekly colloquium featuring noted speakers

For the first time, weekly colloquium sessions of the School of Church Music and Worship at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary will be livestreamed, allowing anyone around the world to join in the discussion and benefit from these worship studies sessions, school leaders announced.
Guest speakers from the seminary faculty as well as leaders from across the globe will be featured during the weekly colloquium for the school’s master’s and doctoral students this semester, sharing knowledge and experience from their unique perspectives and fields of service.
Joseph R. Crider, dean of the School of Church Music and Worship, says he and his faculty “love to invest in our music and worship students, but we also want them to hear new and different perspectives from a wide variety of ministry practitioners, theologians, and fellow students. This semester’s speaker list looks like it could serve as a headline banner for a major conference, and yet anyone can tune in each week and hear these phenomenal sessions for free.”
Speakers include Southwestern Seminary faculty David S. Dockery, Joseph R. Crider, R. Allen Lott, and Travis S. Kerns, as well as guest speakers like Southern Baptist Convention worship consultant David Manner, South African pastor David de Bruyn, and poet Donald Owens.
Beginning Aug. 26, the colloquium will take place every Wednesday at 10 a.m. CT and will livestream through the school’s “Artistic Theologian” website as well as the school’s Facebook page.
Associate Professor of Church Music and Worship Scott Aniol, who leads the colloquium, says the class allows the school’s graduate and doctoral worship students to “benefit from the rich knowledge and experience of our own faculty and leaders across the country, and I am particularly excited about this semester’s lineup. … I am especially glad that we are able to livestream each of these presentations through our school’s Artistic Theologian website so that others around the country can benefit from these outstanding speakers.”
The full list of sessions:
- Aug. 26: David S. Dockery, distinguished professor of theology, “Theology, Worship, and Service”
- Sept. 2: Travis S. Kerns, associate professor of apologetics and world religions, “Is Beauty Really in the Eye of the Beholder?”
- Sept. 9: R. Allen Lott, professor of music history, “Is Brahms’ Requiem Really About Jesus?”
- Sept. 16: Joseph R. Crider, dean, “Why Do We Gather on Sunday Morning?”
- Sept. 23: Braden McKinley, Ph.D. student
- Sept. 30: (Fall Reading Days – no class)
- Oct. 7: Faculty Lounge (Scott Aniol, Joseph R. Crider, Charles T. Lewis, R. Allen Lott, Nathan Burggraff)
- Oct. 14: David Manner, associate executive director, Kansas-Nebraska Convention of Southern Baptists, “Creating Worship Tourists”
- Oct. 21: Donald Owens, “Making Metrical Psalms”
- Oct. 28: David de Bruyn, pastor, New Covenant Baptist Church, “Objective and Subjective Beauty”
- Nov. 4: Daniel Webster, Ph.D. student
- Nov. 11: Scott Aniol, associate professor of church music and worship, “From Text to Expression”