Seminary Hill Press releases Spanish translations of evangelism books

Spanish-language translations of two popular evangelism books were released today by Seminary Hill Press, the publishing arm of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Both titles, Movilizar para Evangelizar: El Pastor y el Evangelismo Eficaz en la Congregacion and the third edition of Evangelismo Diario, were written by Matt Queen, professor of evangelism and L.R. Scarborough Chair of Evangelism (“Chair of Fire”) at Southwestern Seminary.
Originally published in English, the titles are Mobilize to Evangelize: The Pastor and Effective Congregational Evangelism and Everyday Evangelism.
“I couldn’t be more excited about Seminary Hill Press’ release of Mobilize to Evangelize and Everyday Evangelism in Spanish,” said Queen. “Due to the increasing number of both Spanish-speaking students at Southwestern, as well as Hispanic congregations globally, our brothers and sisters in Christ now have access to additional evangelistic resources and tools that can help them in winning the lost to Christ.”
Mobilize to Evangelize is written to equip pastors with tools to assess their church members’ understanding and perceptions of evangelism while also learning how the members practice evangelism. The book provides ideas for pastors to use to encourage their congregations to evangelize.
Everyday Evangelism is designed for pastors and church members and provides an understanding of the biblical basis of evangelism, steps to share the Gospel, and suggestions to aid pastors in creating a culture of evangelism at their churches. The book’s emphasis is to encourage believers to share the Gospel in the opportunities that surround them in their day-to-day routines.
“I hope the availability of Everyday Evangelism and Mobilize to Evangelize in Spanish will encourage Hispanic Baptist congregations of Southwestern’s commitment to assist them in their pursuit of congregational evangelism, as well as theological education opportunities for their congregants in their own heart language,” said Queen.
The books were translated in partnership with the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention.
“I’m sincerely grateful to Dr. Bruno Molina and the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention for translating these books into Spanish and utilizing them to equip and mobilize Hispanic congregations in Texas to share the gospel both confidently and consistently,” Queen remarked.
“I’m thrilled that these two books are now available in Spanish,” said Molina, language and interfaith evangelism associate at the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention. “Mobilize to EvangeIize will provide our Spanish-speaking pastors with a step-by-step guide to evaluating and significantly improving their churches’ evangelistic outreach. Everyday Evangelism will encourage and equip Spanish-speaking pastors and lay people alike to practice the privilege of ‘as you go’ sharing of the gospel. I highly recommend both books.”
They are available for purchase on the Seminary Hill Press website at