Southwestern Seminary announces Virtual Preview initiative

Individuals who expected to or were interested in participating in upcoming Preview Days for The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Scarborough College now have an innovative way to learn about academic programs and faculty as part of a new Virtual Preview initiative, beginning with live video-conferencing Virtual Preview sessions featuring President Adam W. Greenway and faculty members, seminary officials announced today.
“The call to ministry is the call to prepare—and always will be, no matter how the coronavirus is currently interrupting theological education,” Greenway said. “Nothing less than the eternal destinies of human beings is at stake in Gospel ministry, and those who are called to ministry must not permit current inconveniences to interrupt their commitment to seek the very best in preparation for that calling.”
Because of the ongoing need for well-prepared Gospel ministers, Greenway said his administration is introducing a new way to deliver a seminary preview experience.
“The Gospel is too important to wait; let us show you how Southwestern Seminary and Scarborough College can help you get ready for ministry—whether that means being on our campus in Fort Worth or being with us via online platforms,” he said.
The Virtual Preview sessions will replace Preview Days previously scheduled for April 3 and 4 before the seminary announced various event cancellations in response to COVID-19. Prospective students will have the opportunity to hear from and dialogue with Greenway and faculty members, as well as with seminary admissions staff.
Most sessions are to be held each Tuesday and Thursday of March and April, beginning at 12 p.m. CT, while the sessions with Greenway will be held March 27, 1-2:30 p.m., April 1, 1-2:30 p.m., and April 8, 3:30-5 p.m. The full list of sessions:
- March 24: Office of Admissions
- March 26: Master of Divinity programs, Research Professor of Systematic Theology Malcolm B. Yarnell III
- March 27 (1-2:30 p.m. CT): President Adam W. Greenway
- March 31: Women’s Programs, Dean of Women Terri Stovall and M.Div. student Mojade Adejokun
- April 1 (1-2:30 p.m. CT): President Adam W. Greenway
- April 2: School of Church Music and Worship, Dean Joseph Crider
- April 7: Roy J. Fish School of Evangelism and Missions, Associate Professor of Apologetics and World Religions Travis S. Kerns and Assistant Professor of Evangelism Carl J. Bradford
- April 8 (3:30-5 p.m. CT): President Adam W. Greenway
- April 9: Scarborough College, Assistant Professor of Bible Donald H. Kim and Associate Dean for Student Success Sarah C. Spring
- April 14: Doctoral Programs, Director for Research Doctoral Studies Jonathan W. Arnold and Director of Professional Doctoral Studies Coleman Ford
- April 16: Jack D. Terry School of Educational Ministries, Master of Arts in Christian Education, Dean Michael S. Wilder
- April 21: School of Preaching, Dean David L. Allen
- April 23: Student Panel, Southwestern Seminary
- April 28: Student Panel, Scarborough College
“If Christian history teaches us anything, the coronavirus will one day be a pandemic in our past, and just as the need for theologically educated and trained ministers who can faithfully preach the Good News and minister to Christ’s church has never been diminished by previous crises, God is still calling ministers today who must prepare to minister to His church until Jesus returns,” Greenway said.
Future elements of the Virtual Preview initiative will include a Virtual Preview Day that will include a virtual campus tour. For more information, visit