Southwestern, TBC faculty to ‘model congregational preaching’ in spring 2023 chapel services

Chapel services in spring 2023 at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Texas Baptist College will “model congregational preaching” through the book of Philippians as demonstrated by professors of the institution, Interim President David S. Dockery announced today.
“We are looking forward with anticipation and hopefulness to preaching through the Book of Philippians during chapels in the spring,” Dockery said. “It will be a great opportunity for the SWBTS/TBC faculty to proclaim the Pauline themes of joy, humility, unity, and service at this important time in the Southwestern community.”
Dockery will commence the spring 2023 chapel services as he speaks during convocation on Jan. 24.
“Working through this wonderful New Testament book will allow the faculty to model congregational preaching in a way that we trust will be edifying for students, staff, faculty, and administrators as we gather weekly to worship together,” Dockery added. “We are grateful for the enthusiastic support from the faculty to participate in this shared effort.”
In addition to preaching through the book of Philippians, the spring chapel services will include a presentation from the International Alliance for Christian Education, which will be meeting for its fourth annual conference on the Fort Worth campus, Feb. 8-10, and an organization where Dockery serves as president; a focus on the work of the of two Southern Baptist entities, the North American Mission Board and Guidestone Financial Resources; and Founder’s Day Chapel, which is commemorated in the chapel service closest to the date of the seminary’s March 14, 1908, charter. The Founder’s Day address is scheduled to be delivered by Malcolm B. Yarnell III, research professor of theology and interim editor of the Southwestern Journal of Theology. Joining the faculty in preaching from Philippians will be several guest speakers to be announced later.
Chapel services are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. (CT) in MacGorman Chapel located on the Southwestern Seminary campus in Fort Worth, Texas. Chapel may also be viewed online at
The complete chapel schedule is listed below:
Jan. 24 – David S. Dockery, interim president, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Convocation
Jan. 26 – O.S. Hawkins, senior advisor and ambassador–at–large, and senior professor of pastoral ministry, Southwestern Seminary
Jan. 31 – Matt Queen, interim provost and vice president for academic administration, associate dean of the Roy J. Fish School of Evangelism and Missions, professor of evangelism, and L.R. Scarborough Chair of Evangelism (“Chair of Fire”), Introduction to Philippians, Phil. 1:1-2
Feb. 2 – Matthew McKellar, professor of preaching and George W. Truett Chair of Ministry, Phil 1:3-8
Feb. 7 – Chris Osborne, professor of preaching and pastoral ministry, Phil. 1:9-11
Feb. 9 – International Alliance for Christian Education presentation
Feb. 14 – Travis Trawick, assistant professor of theology and associate provost, Phil. 1:12-18a
Feb. 16 – Carl Bradford, assistant professor of evangelism and Malcolm and Melba McDow Chair of Evangelism, Phil. 1:18b-26
Feb. 21 – Justin Wainscott, assistant professor of pastoral ministry and director of Professional Doctoral Programs, Phil. 1:27-30
Feb. 23 – Mark Taylor, associate dean of the School of Theology and professor of New Testament, Phil. 2:1-4
Feb. 28 – North American Mission Board chapel
Mar. 2 – Madison Grace, interim dean of the School of Theology, associate professor of theology, and director of Oxford Study Program, Phil. 2:5-11
Mar. 7 – Guest speaker, Phil. 2:12-18
Mar. 9 – Malcolm Yarnell, research professor of theology and interim editor of the Southwestern Journal of Theology, Founder’s Day Address
Mar. 21 – Micah Carter, associate dean of TBC and assistant professor of theology, Phil. 2:19-30
Mar. 23 – Michael Wilkinson, associate professor of theology, Phil. 3:1-6
Mar. 28 – Ben Skaug, associate professor of theology, Phil. 3:7-11
Mar. 30 – Chase Sears, assistant professor of biblical studies, Phil. 3:12-16
Apr. 4 – Eric Mitchell, professor of Old Testament and biblical backgrounds, Phil. 3:17-4:1
Apr. 6 – Jim Wicker, professor of New Testament, Phil. 4:2-7
Apr. 11 – Stephen Yuille, professor of pastoral theology and spiritual formation, Phil. 4:8-13
Apr. 13 – Guidestone Financial Resources
Apr. 18 – Guest speaker
Apr. 20 – Andrew Streett, associate professor of biblical studies, Phil. 4:14-23