Student-founded company aims to advance God’s Kingdom through business

Alex Sibley


At E-Tech Galaxy, a seller of laptops and computer accessories through eBay, Amazon, and other online venues, the customer service team is encouraged to look for opportunities to pray with those who call for help. David Nigh, who founded the business while a student at Southwestern Seminary, explains, “Usually, when they’re upset, there’s something else bothering them.”

This was the case several years ago when a customer called about having been sent the wrong computer. As inconvenient as that was, Nigh learned that this customer’s father was dying. 

Nigh, a three-time graduate of Southwestern, apologized for his company’s mistake and assured the customer that he would make things right. “And I’m sorry to hear about your dad,” Nigh continued. “Have you had the chance to talk to him about where he’s going to spend eternity? Do you know where he might spend eternity?”

Nigh shared the Gospel with this customer over the phone, explaining that “Jesus is the only way that our sins can be forgiven because of what He did on the cross—He died as a substitute for sinners. So everyone has that opportunity where they can repent of their sins and accept Jesus into their lives as their Savior and their Lord and depend on Him, and Him alone, for their salvation. Then they can know that they’re right with Him and they’ll be together with Him.”

Though the customer did not respond by making a profession of faith, he was open to the Gospel, and he appreciated that Nigh would share this life-giving message with him. He also shared that he had spoken with his father about eternity, and that he thought his dad, who was apparently a Christian, was ready to face God. 

Opportunities like this arise often at E-Tech Galaxy, which Nigh founded specifically to advance God’s Kingdom by growing a profitable business. “We do a lot of evangelism, and the business is the vehicle,” Nigh explains. 

Beyond encouraging the customer service team to deal ministerially with those who call, Nigh also directs his purchasing staff to seek opportunities to share the Gospel as they work with vendors across the nation. Furthermore, the business features multiple avenues of intentional evangelism for which employees—often recruited from Southwestern Seminary—remain on the clock, despite the activity not being directly related to selling electronics. 

For example, several employees participate in “Need Him,” an online evangelism platform whereby questions are answered and the Gospel is shared through online “chat” messaging. E-Tech has a conference room set aside for employees to chat with those who reach out with questions, and at least once a week, these employees are specifically invited to go to this “ministry room” in order to share the Gospel online. 

On other occasions, the entire staff travels to a local mall or neighborhood in order to hand out Gospel tracts or flyers for nearby churches. The business also has a prayer ministry whereby they receive prayer requests from clients, employees and other ministries either in person or online, and employees present these requests to God through prayer.   

“Something that’s real important to us at this business is to not just sell things, but to help people spiritually if there are needs,” explains Nigh, who attributes his philosophy for evangelism and discipleship to his education at Southwestern Seminary. “And we know that we serve a God who loves us and cares for us. But we are all sinners, and our sin separates us from God. He did make a way, though, where we can be together with Him forever, and that’s through His Son, Jesus Christ.”