Students challenged to pursue biblical wisdom at annual College Retreat

With the semester underway, students from Scarborough College took a moment to pause from their diligent studies to spend the weekend together in worship and in fellowship. The annual College Retreat provides the opportunity to enjoy time with new and old friends through games and activities, but more importantly, it challenges students to grow in their relationship with Christ.
“The college retreat purposes to stimulate growth and build genuine community,” says Daniel Dickard, dean of students. “The beginning of the semester is a challenge for students. Our goal, therefore, is to provide a venue for them to escape their busy routines and connect with God and one another. A weekend together often produces a lifetime of friendships.”
During sessions, Assistant Professor of Biblical Counseling T. Dale Johnson Jr. challenged students to pursue biblical wisdom during their time as students of Scarborough College. As he taught from the book of James, Bachelor of Arts student Abigail Simonds says she was reminded of the importance of walking in humility before God and one another.
“We should be men and women marked by our humility, and this should motivate us ‘toward love and good works,’” Simonds says. “During this season, we should be striving to draw near to God through the Word, prayer, and fellowship. Dr. Johnson reminded us that God can do a great work during our time in college, if only we would humble ourselves and learn from Him.”
Rebekah Walsh, who serves as a resident assistant in the women’s dorm, says the retreat not only served to strengthen relationships with peers, but also challenged her own Christian walk. “It helped me to remember to make sure that the knowledge I learn here at seminary should not just be knowledge, but that I should also let that knowledge affect the way I live for Christ.”
Reflecting on the weekend, Sept. 8-9, Simonds concludes that throughout any season of life, it is important to have a community of believers who are willing to encourage and challenge one another in their relationship with Christ. As she and other students continue with busy schedules and heavy workloads, the annual College Retreat is the perfect way to reset their focus for the fall semester.
“Nothing fosters community like brothers and sisters gathering for the praise of God,” Simonds says. “God used this retreat to show me that what is of utmost importance is serving each other. Even though we lost study time, we gained friendships and wisdom through worship and the Word—and that was so worth it!”