Town Hall introduces new dean of students, other campus information


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary introduced faculty member Michael Copeland as the new dean of students during the annual Town Hall student meeting Feb. 10.

Copeland first joined the faculty in the summer of 2022. While raised in Oklahoma, he and his family had most recently lived in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where they served the International Mission Board, focusing on member care for the missionaries in all of Southeast Asia.

Copeland is an assistant professor of missions as well as the associate director of the World Missions Center. But the more he found himself interacting with seminary leadership and students outside of the classroom, the more Copeland realized he was interested in pursuing a new role as well.

“As I’ve worked with the fine faculty and staff at Southwestern this last semester, for varying issues, trying to get students mobilized to be globally engaged, there were just moments in time of being able to provide care for students,” Copeland explained, adding he had opportunities to work with the Student Life leadership and Dean of Women Terri Stovall. “I just realized I missed working on a team, investing in students’ lives, and being there in hard times but also joyful times, working through challenges.”

Copeland takes over the position from Chandler Snyder, who still holds his role as instructor of missions and vice president for institutional relations.

“Really excited to work with Dr. Copeland in that role,” Snyder said. “I think you have a unique skill set: your academic pedigree and the seriousness in which you do your academic work, the support of students in the classroom, but also your field experience, I think it leads to a lot of really healthy dynamics for the dean of students. So, thank you for following the Lord’s leading and thinking highly of our students, and I hope that continues.”

Copeland’s office remains in Mathena Hall and he can now be reached through the dean of students email.

Other topics were also addressed during the Town Hall meeting:

Snyder announced that the Prestonwood Pregnancy Center on campus is holding a formal launch for the community on Feb. 19, at 11:00 a.m.

“We want to show our Southwestern engagement with that missional opportunity in our community,” Snyder said, saying city leadership and media are expected to attend the event and the Southwestern community is invited to come.

Two week-long summer classes, counting for three credit hours each, will be provided to students for free during the weeks surrounding the Southern Baptist Convention annual meetings happening in Dallas this June.

The Baptist Heritage and Crossover Evangelism classes provide flexible elective hours for students interested in that opportunity.

“We want our students out evangelizing, that’s the DNA ethos of Southwestern, so please take advantage of those two classes,” Snyder said.

Southwestern residents, whether in perimeter housing, the dorms, or Student Village, were encouraged to reach out to the institution if they face any issues, and to contact the campus police department if they witness any suspicious individuals or questionable behavior on campus.