Two high school students accept ‘free gift of God’

Alex Sibley


With so many homeowners consistently away in the afternoons when Southwestern’s Everyday Evangelism teams canvass, Teaching Fellow Charles Stewart’s teams have consistently tried to engage people who are simply out walking in the neighborhoods, seeing these as divine appointments. On Thursday, Jan. 25, he and his team found such an appointment with two high school students, Jonathan and Rolando. In Stewart’s words, “Once again, our Father blessed!”

Stewart and two Southwestern students had finished visiting all the houses on their “Going the Second Mile” list for the day and were returning to Stewart’s car when Jonathan and Rolando drove up and parked in front of a home on their street. Viewing this as one more occasion in which to share the Gospel, Stewart approached the high school students as they exited their vehicle. He introduced his team and then explained that they were sharing with their neighbors how they could know for sure that they are going to heaven when they die.

“When I asked them if they were confident of going to heaven, they both awkwardly indicated that they were not,” Stewart says. “I asked if I might have a few minutes of their time to share with them. I handed them each a Romans 6:23 Gospel card and began sharing its message.”

Stewart engaged them in one-verse evangelism, expounding the truth that “the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Jonathan and Rolando listened respectfully and answered questions when the Southwestern team asked them. When Stewart then inquired if they would like to receive the “free gift of God in the Lord Jesus Christ,” they indicated that they would.

“After further clarification of their understanding of the Gospel and intentions regarding Christ, I had the joy of leading them in a salvation prayer!” Stewart says. “We gave both young men a Bible, some follow-up instructions, and the ‘Jesus’ video. They each seemed grateful for the gifts.”

Later that evening, Stewart joyfully reflected in a praise report of the event that the Lord had “most graciously allowed” him and his team to see these two high school students pray to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. He further indicated his plans to share Jonathan and Rolando’s contact information with the student minister at Southcliff Baptist Church for follow-up assistance.

In response to Stewart’s report, evangelism professor Matt Queen says, “Praise God for this wonderful report to kick off Everyday Evangelism for the spring semester! One of the greatest things about my Thursday group is having Dr. Stewart in it. Let’s pray for Southcliff Baptist as they follow up with these two new believers.”