Welcome Week kick-starts student life at Southwestern

Theologians may have a reputation for being nothing more than deskbound academics, but Welcome Week at Southwestern Seminary certainly set an upbeat tone for students this spring. For seminarians at the Fort Worth campus, school will not just be all work and no play, says Ryan Casey, a student ambassador in the Admissions Office and a Bachelor of Science student. “We want to promote a kind of environment where students work hard and study hard but also have fun while they are here.”
The lively spirit was well-represented in Bubble Soccer on Friday night, Jan. 22, where more than 50 students came out to enjoy goofy soccer games in huge “knocker balls”—giant inflatable bubbles—or to watch and cheer on their friends and family members. As the players tried to score goals, the crowd erupted into laughter and cheers as players knocked over their opponents, wobbled as they tried to get back on their feet, or even rolled upside down with their legs flailing in the air.
“It was super fun,” said Daniel Clemons, an incoming freshman to the Bachelor of Arts program, after one exciting game. “This is my first semester here. I’m from California, so I don’t know anyone. But this kind of event helps us to get to know people, to make friends.”
Besides Bubble Soccer, Welcome Week also offered New Student Orientations (Jan. 19), Dessert Fellowship and Church Fair (Jan. 21), and Family Night (Jan. 22). The church fair provided a valuable resource for students seeking a new church or ministry, while Family Night gave families with children a chance to enjoy an evening of free cookies, refreshments and a special showing of “Finding Nemo.”
“This is a great opportunity for new students,” says Hojin Lee, a Master of Divinity student who came to the church fair. “Students can speak with the people of each church, ask questions, and get detailed and honest answers on the spot. We can learn a lot about local churches in a short length of time.”
For Southwestern students, both new and returning, the Welcome Week events provided a convenient and exciting way to learn more about the school and local churches, as well as to make new friends. “We organize events to promote fellowship among students,” Casey says. “We want students to get to know one another, to know who it is you are taking classes with, and who you are living in the dormitories with.”
To stay up-to-date on future Student Life events, visit swbts.edu/events.