R. Adam Dodd

- Ph.D., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Th.M., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
- M.Div., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
- B.S. University of Central Arkansas
Dr. Dodd serves as assistant professor of Old Testament and biblical backgrounds in the School of Theology, director of Tandy Institute of Archaeology, and vice president for Campus Technology. Dr. Dodd’s research interests include the post-exilic books of the Old Testament, the textual history of the Hebrew Bible, scribalism and literacy in antiquity, archeology of ancient Israel and Second Temple Judea, and the reception of scriptural traditions in early Jewish literature.
Dr. Dodd is currently working toward the publication of his dissertation, “Recalling Genesis and Other Authoritative Traditions: Orality, Textuality, and Memory in the Book of Jubilees”. He has also contributed numerous articles to the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary (B&H, 2015) and the Lexham Bible Dictionary (Lexham Press, 2013).
Dr. Dodd has eight seasons of archaeological field experience in Israel, and he currently serves as the Associate Director of the Gezer Regional Survey. He is a member of Society of Biblical Literature, the Evangelical Theological Society, and the American Schools of Oriental Research, and also serves on the board of directors for the Near Eastern Archaeological Society.
He is currently a member of Cityview Church where he and his family enjoy serving their local community.
Meet Adam Dodd
Some may find the first part of the Bible to be difficult to understand or even irrelevant to modern times, but Adam Dodd, assistant professor of Old Testament and biblical backgrounds at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, believes, “The Old Testament is too amazing to not have fun..."