Amy L. Crider

Amy L. Crider

Associate Professor of Foundations of Education

Director of the Center for Writing and Rhetoric




  • Ed.D., Southern Seminary
  • M.A., Miami University
  • B.A., Miami University

Dr. Crider serves as associate professor of foundations of education and director of the Center for Writing and Rhetoric. Her current research and writing focuses on developing theologically grounded pedagogy, the impact of creativity on pedagogy, rhetoric, writing style, the Trinity’s impact on the teacher-student-subject triad in residential and virtual classes, and mentoring pedagogical development in doctoral students.

Dr. Crider has written journal articles for Perichoresis and the Southwestern Journal of Theology. She is a member of the Society of Professors in Christian Education. Crider also has extensive experience as an editor.

Prior to coming to SWBTS, Dr. Crider served on the faculty at Boyce College and as the Writing Center Coordinator for Southern Seminary. She has taught adjunctively at several colleges and universities, including the University of Northern Colorado, Aimes Community College, Westmont College, Southwest Baptist University, and Liberty University.

She is married to Dr. Joseph Crider, and they have four adult children.

Meet Amy Crider

Amy Crider’s passion for writing stems from her own life and love of writing, but also from her desire to use writing to engage the heart for Christ’s purposes.

Crider said she has taught wherever her husband, Joe, dean of Southwestern’s School of Church Music and Worship, has taught. However, it was not until she was teaching writing courses at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, that she asked herself, “Can we teach writing Christianly?”

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