Daniel R. Sanchez

- D.Phil, Oxford University Centre for Mission Studies
- D.Min., Fuller Theological Seminary
- M.Div., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
- B.A., Howard Payne University
Dr. Sanchez serves as distinguished professor emeritus of missions in the Roy J. Fish School of Evangelism and Missions. Dr. Sanchez has taught at Southwestern for almost 40 years. Prior to his tenure at Southwestern, Dr. Sanchez served as a missionary in Panama, a church planter, and as the evangelism director and state missions director of the Baptist Convention of New York.
Dr. Sanchez has published in both Spanish in English in Missiology and Theology. In addition to his writings, he has lectured and taught in numerous countries in central and south America, Europe, and Asia. He is married to Tamera and they attend Meadowridge Church in Fort Worth.