Jack D. Terry
Jack D. Terry
Special Assistant to the President for Institutional Advancement
Senior Professor of Foundations of Education

- Ph.D., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Ph.D. (ABD), North Texas State University
- M.R.E., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
- B.A., East Texas Baptist University
Church Membership
- First Baptist Church, Euless, Texas
- Assistant Professor of Bible and Religious Education, Hardin-Simmons University, Abilene, Texas, 1966-69
- Minister of Education and Music, North Richland Hills Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas, 1963-66
- Minister of Education and Music, First Baptist Church, Lake Jackson, Texas, 1960-63
- Minister of Education and Music, Central Baptist Church, Baytown, Texas, 1957-60
- Minister of Education and Music, Meadow Brook Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas, 1956-57
- Minister of Education and Music, First Baptist Church, Center, Texas, 1955-56
- Minister of Education and Music, First Baptist Church, Quitman, Texas, 1954-55
Interim Positions
- Educational Consultant and Adult Ministries, First Baptist Church Euless, Texas, 1994-Present
- Pastor, First Baptist Church Alvarado, Texas, 1993-94
- Pastor, First Baptist Church, Quitman, Texas, 1978-79, 1984-85, 1992-93
- Pastor, Colonial Hills Baptist Church, Tyler, Texas, 1991-92
- Pastor, Faith Baptist Church, Kaiserslautern, Germany, 1990-91
- Educational Consultant and Television Educational Advisor, Prestonwood Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas, 1984-89
- Minister of Education and Adult Ministry, First Baptist Church, Keller, Texas, 1983
- Pastor, First Baptist Church, Decatur, Texas, 1982
- Pastor, First Baptist Church, Harlingen, Texas, 1980
- Pastor, Field Street Baptist Church, Cleburne, Texas, 1977
- Minister of Education and Adult Education, Bellevue Baptist Church, Hurst, Texas, 1975-76
- Pastor, Immanuel Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas, 1974
- First Baptist Church, Mineral Wells, Texas, Minister of Education and Music, 1972; Pastor, 1973
- Pastor, Grace Temple Baptist Church, Denton, Texas, 1971-72
- Minister of Education, South Fort Worth Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas, 1971
- Minister of Education and Music, First Baptist Church, Burleson, Texas, 1970
- Minister of Education, First Baptist Church, Abilene, Texas, 1969
First Baptist Church, Anson, Texas, Pastor, 1968 - Minister of Education and Music, Belmont Baptist Church, Abilene, Texas, 1966-67
- Minister of Education, First Baptist Church, Center, Texas, 1955-56
Publications and Recordings
- “God as Teacher,” Chapter 1 in Teaching Ministry of the Church. LifeWay Publishing, 1995.
- Baptist Telecommunications Network (BTN), two 30-minute video tapes, How Learning Occurs and Teaching/Learning Process. Baptist Telnet, 1985.
- The Concepts of Teaching and Training. A series of seven 30-minute video tapes for introduction to teaching, Discovery Broadcast Network, Dallas, Texas, 1985.
- Teacher Training and Learning. A series of thirteen 30-minute video tapes for training Sunday School teachers, Discovery Broadcast Network, Dallas, Texas, 1985.
- Leadership in High Education: A Handbook for Practicing Administrators. A textbook for higher education administration, Greenwood Press, 1983.
- Help I’m A Secretary. Texas Public Schools Secretary magazine, May 1983.
- Equipping Teachers to Teach. Equipping Center, Summer 1983, Baptist Sunday School Board, 1983.
- “Developing Leadership Skills,” Dimension magazine, April-May-June and July-August-September, Parts I and II. Woman’s Missionary Union, 1983.
- Home Bible Study Guide. Baptist Sunday School Board, 1983.
- Challenge of the Cities. Adult Home Mission Study Guide, and Teachers Manual, Home Mission Graded Series, Spring 1982.
- Learning Environments, The Equipping of Disciples. Baptist Sunday School Board, 1982.
- Learning Kit: Basic Sunday School Work. Baptist Sunday School Board, 1981.
- Teaching procedures for Life and Work, Bible Book, and Uniform Lesson Series, A series of over 500 ten-minute videotapes from 1979-83.
- Adult Teaching Guide and Pupils Workbook, One Home Under God: A Learning Guide. Video Dynamics, 1979.
- The Theological Foundation of Religious Education. The Ministry of Religious Education, Chapter 2, Broadman Press, 1978.
- The Minister of Education and Curriculum, The Minister of Education As An Educator. Baptist Sunday School Board, 1978.
- Teacher Training: A Learning Guide. Series of twenty-six 30-minute videotapes for Teacher Training, Video Dynamics, 1978.
- Strategy for Change: The Problem Solving Model. NASPA Journal, Vol. 3, No. 15, Winter 1978.
- The Administration of Learning Resource Centers. University Press of America, A textbook for higher education administration, 1977.
- How to Improve Bible Teaching and Learning in the Sunday School (audio tape). Pastor/Director Guide, Baptist Sunday School Board, 1976.
- Getting Ready to Work with General Officers. Baptist Sunday School Board, 1976.
- Teaching Suggestions, Life and Work Annual. Baptist Sunday School Board, 1972, 73, 75, 76.
- Teaching Training Using Videotape, Research Project, Baptist Sunday School Board, 1971.
- Adult Bible Series Workbook, The Life and Ministry of Our Lord. Baptist Sunday School Board, 1971.
- Church Training Union Youth Curriculum Material (19 sessions), 1970.
- Abilene Reporter News, feature article, 1967.
- Effective Ministry with Senior Adults, Sunday School Builder, 1962.
- Religious Education Association
- Southern Baptist Association of Christian Education
- Southwestern Baptist Religious Education Association
- Northeast Lions Club
- American Association of Higher Education
- Philosophical Association of North Texas State University
- American Management Association
- Northeast Chamber of Commerce (formerly Haltom/Richland Chamber)
- Association of Fund Raising Professionals
- National Committee for Planned Giving
- Texas Baptist Development Officers Association
- Distinguished Alumnus Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1999
- Outstanding Americans Official Register, Special Edition of Southern Baptist Leaders, 1985-86
- Outstanding Committee Chairman, Haltom/Richland Chamber of Commerce, 1983
- Outstanding Alumni, East Texas Baptist University, 1974
- Outstanding Educators of America, 1972
- Outstanding Young Men of America, 1970
- Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities, 1956
Service Responsibilities
- Board of Directors, Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), Fort Worth Metro Chapter, 2006
- Board of Trustees, Birdville Independent School District, 1981-1991
- President of Board of Trustees, Birdville Independent School District, 1990-91
- Vice President of Board of Trustees, Birdville Independent School District, 1988-90
- Board of Directors, Haltom/Richland Chamber of Commerce, 1983-86
- President, Southwestern Baptist Religious Education Association, 1984-85
- Vice-president for Education and Training, Haltom/Richland Chamber of Commerce, 1984-85
- Vice-president for Education and Training, Haltom/Richland Chamber of Commerce, 1984-85
- President, Richland High School Parents Club Dixie-Belles, 1982-83, 83-84
- President Elect, Southwestern Baptist Religious Education Association, 1983-84
- Board of Trustees, East Texas Baptist University, 1978-83
- Board of Directors, Religious Education Association of U.S. and Canada
- Vice President, Richland High School Parents Club Dixie-Belles, 1981-82
- Spouse: Barbara Jean Jones
- Children: Douglas Lloyd, Patricia Lynn Spriggs
Meet Jack Terry
With more than 54 years of uninterrupted service on the faculty and in various senior academic and administrative leadership roles at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Jack Terry [...] believes the Lord still has a calling on him to continue serving on Seminary Hill until He decides otherwise.