Joshua E. Williams

- Ph.D., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- M.Div., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- B.A., Southwest Baptist University
Dr. Williams serves as professor of Old Testament in the School of Theology. For him, teaching, especially teaching the Bible, is relational and transformational. Dr. Williams imparts himself to the student, and the student is changed in some way (attitudes, values, character, competence, etc.), not just through the impartation of content but through the honest attempt to wrestle with God’s Word.
Dr. Williams is co-author of 1-2 Chronicles (Kregel, 2024) in the Kerux commentary series. The commentary is for biblical preaching and teaching. In addition, he has written essays in published works including, “Choosing the Right Words: Kings, Chronicles, and the Canon” in Texts and Canon: Essays in Honor of John Sailhamer (Pickwick, 2017) and “Promise and Failure: Exodus in Ezra-Nehemiah” in Reverberations of Exodus in Scripture (Wipf & Stock, 2013). He also contributed several articles to the Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Baker, 2013). He has published journal articles in the Southeastern Theological Review and the Southwestern Journal of Theology. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and Society of Biblical Literature and presents regularly at these academic societies.
Dr. Williams is a member of Wedgwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth.
Meet Joshua Williams
Joshua Williams wants his teaching to be real.
“Something that’s significant, that’s going to change the way people either read their Bible, approach Christian ministry, look at the world, right? That’s what I’m going for,” said Williams.
His students say he has succeeded.