SWBTS Student Life Internship Recommendation Form Applicant's Name(Required) First Last Your Name(Required)Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Your Phone Number(Required)Tell us a little about your relationship to the applicant.Do you have any SWBTS or TBC affiliation? Explain.List a few positive qualities you've seen displayed by the applicant.Would you consider the applicant a leader who serves people? Please list at least 1 exampleDo you have any knowledge of the applicant's academic ability? If yes, please explain.What involvement does the applicant have in their local church? In what ways do they serve there?Understanding that no one is perfect and susceptible to shortcomings, what are some weaknesses you see in the applicant?Would you trust them with a minor? Why or why not?Servant LeadershipPoorBelow AverageAverageGoodExcellentPlease rate the applicant in this area.ArticulationPoorBelow AverageAverageGoodExcellentPlease rate the applicant in this area.Understanding of HumilityPoorBelow AverageAverageGoodExcellentPlease rate the applicant in this area.Personal MaturityPoorBelow AverageAverageGoodExcellentPlease rate the applicant in this area.Understanding of the GospelPoorBelow AverageAverageGoodExcellentPlease rate the applicant in this area.VulnerabilityPoorBelow AverageAverageGoodExcellentPlease rate the applicant in this area.InfluentialPoorBelow AverageAverageGoodExcellentPlease rate the applicant in this area.Teachable SpiritPoorBelow AverageAverageGoodExcellentPlease rate the applicant in this area.Spiritually MotivatedPoorBelow AverageAverageGoodExcellentPlease rate the applicant in this area.Academically ResponsiblePoorBelow AverageAverageGoodExcellentPlease rate the applicant in this area.CompassionatePoorBelow AverageAverageGoodExcellentPlease rate the applicant in this area.Any additional comments?PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ