FROM THE HILL: Darling weighs in on transgender issues, Crider advises on worship in a replant, and Queen discusses revival


“From the Hill” is a regular series highlighting the work of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Texas Baptist College’s faculty. Check back here regularly to find articles, blogs, podcasts, interviews, and more.

Reality intrudes on MrBeast” (article on WORLD), written by Dan Darling, director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement, assistant professor of faith and culture, Texas Baptist College

  • “You may not know who MrBeast is but chances are your children do. Jimmy Donaldson, his real name, is arguably the world’s most popular YouTube star whose main channel boasts 164 million subscribers. The videos he and his ‘bros’ produce include tricks, stunts, and, recently, outrageous acts of charity. Enormously popular among young people, Donaldson has won numerous Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards and was recently named by Time as one of the most influential people in America.”

EP 187- Worship in a replant w/ special guest – Joe Crider” (episode on Replant Bootcamp), interviewing Joeseph R. Crider, dean of the School of Church Music, Worship and professor of church music and worship

  • “This on the road, mobile edition of the Bootcamp finds Jimbo at home and Bob on the Road to Amarillo and a great EP, catching up with Dr. Joe Crider, the Dean of the School of Church Music and Worship at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas.  The guys welcome Joe and ask a few questions about worship.  Joe has great insights and drops some real gold when it comes to understanding the theological foundations of worship in the local church.”

U.S. House passes transgender sports ban, but bill expected to fail in Senate” (article on Baptist Press), featuring comments from Dan Darling, director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement, assistant professor of faith and culture, Texas Baptist College

  • “WASHINGTON (BP) – The U.S. House of Representatives limited female sports to biological women in a party-line vote April 21, but the U.S. Senate is expected to block the bill.”

Praying for revival” (article on WORLD), featuring comments by Matt Queen, interim provost and vice president for academic administration, professor of evangelism, L.R. Scarborough Chair of Evangelism (“Chair of Fire”)

  • “Allen Brock and his wife, Tensie, huddled around a standing space heater, warming their hands against the 35-degree chill. Nearby, another couple sat on the sidewalk and unboxed Lunchables to snack on. Ahead of the Brocks—and behind them—stretched a colorful line of people dressed in padded coats, hats, and scarves. Popular worship songs drifted over the group from a distant loudspeaker as they waited. ‘Praise the Father, praise the Son, praise the Spirit, three in one.'”

Death on a billboard” (article on WORLD) written by Dan Darling, director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement, assistant professor of faith and culture, Texas Baptist College

  • “A few months ago, California Governor Gavin Newsom purchased billboard space in seven GOP-led states, trolling their voters on the issue of abortion. The signs read, in bold print, ‘Need an Abortion, California Is Ready To Help’ while listing a website where abortion procedures take place in the Golden State. A few of the signs dared also to print the text of the Great Commandment from Mark 12:31: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment.'”

What is a mother worth?” (article on WORLD) written by Dan Darling, director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement, assistant professor of faith and culture, Texas Baptist College

  • “The English writer Agatha Christie once said, ‘A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.’ This past Sunday, families paused and honored the mothers in their lives. But for me, it was a more personal and bittersweet holiday.”

Hopeful signs about Generation Z” (article on WORLD) written by Dan Darling, director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement, assistant professor of faith and culture, Texas Baptist College

  • “This month, almost four million high-school students will walk down the aisle and graduate from high school in America. Among those will be my oldest daughter, Grace. It’s hard to capture in words the swell of emotions I feel, the slow letting go of our parenting control as we ease her into adult life.”