
Feb 19 2025


3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Theological Education Round Table

Do you feel like God has called you to vocational Theological Education? While opportunities to teach in U.S. institutions are few and far between, there are myriad bible schools, universities, and seminaries around the world that desperately need professors. Did you know that in many of these places, you can teach in English, and in some institutions, a Ph.D. is not required to teach full-time? Were you aware that the IMB has several jobs available for missionary theological educators to serve at various levels of theological education, from an institutional classroom setting to decentralized theological education in remote locations? If you would like to learn more about the opportunities that are out there and ways that God can use your gifting and call in a cross-cultural setting, come to the cross-cultural theological education roundtable at the Fireside Room in Naylor Student Center. This session will be led by Dr. Kevin Rodgers who has decades of experience in theological education throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.

We look forward to seeing you February 19 at 3:00 PM in the Fireside Room of Naylor Student Center.