Guatemala seminary revived, reach extended through GTI partnership

Fewer than 10 years ago, the Baptist seminary in Guatemala City was on the verge of closing its doors. Its library’s bookshelves were nearly bare; its greatest technological resources were decades-old computers; and its roof had decayed to the point that classes could not be held during the rain lest students become drenched by the…

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Southwestern develops, releases free six-year curriculum for youth

Under the leadership of Professor of Student Ministry Richard Ross, more than 60 Southwestern Seminary faculty and students have created a six-year curriculum—available for free online—designed to train students grades 7-12 to become disciples of Christ. Named “Disciple6,” the curriculum encompasses nine topics for spiritual development, from apologetics and ethics to evangelism and missions. This…

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Game Banquet uses hunting as venue to spread the Gospel

“My 500 Nitro Express double rifle was already on my shoulder, safety off, ready for instant response. When the charge came, time stood still. A flurry of action and this magnificent lioness lay at my feet. When I reached over to touch her, my heart broke into a race like a quarter horse breaking from…

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Welcome Week kick-starts student life at Southwestern

Theologians may have a reputation for being nothing more than deskbound academics, but Welcome Week at Southwestern Seminary certainly set an upbeat tone for students this spring. For seminarians at the Fort Worth campus, school will not just be all work and no play, says Ryan Casey, a student ambassador in the Admissions Office and…

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Professor graduates from police academy during sabbatical

John Babler already wears several hats: professor of counseling at Southwestern Seminary, minister of missions at Birchman Baptist Church in Fort Worth, vice president of the Texas Corps of Fire Chaplains, and chaplain for the Forest Hill Police Department (FHPD). After 22 weeks of training last fall, he now has one more item to add…

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