Ford shows and teaches friendship to TBC students

As the author of a book examining Augustine’s theology of friendship, it’s not surprising that Texas Baptist College (TBC) students find a friendly ear in Coleman Ford, whether it’s talking about coffee, spiritual formation, or the history of Christian spirituality. Coleman Ford, assistant professor of humanities at TBC, lived in the Fort Worth, Texas, area…

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Brown aims to prepare students to serve in churches through an ‘approachable’ teaching method

Joining Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Texas Baptist College (TBC) faculty in 2022, Marc Brown, assistant professor of church music and worship, tries to help each student learn about how they can serve in the local church. Through supporting students in extra-curricular activities like the weekly masterclass held on Monday nights and going to Coffee…

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First 10:02 prayer meeting features praying for South Africa

Inspired by the text of Luke 10:2, the Prayer 10:02 meeting in Lottie’s Lobby of Mathena Hall on Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s campus had its first gathering Aug. 23, when faculty and students met to participate in a guided prayer time. “We go to God for things we cannot do on our own,” said Ian…

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