World Missions Center
February 2025
Interest Meeting: Crossover Dallas Evangelism
Learn how to join the week of interpersonal evangelism prior to the SBC Annual Meeting in Dallas, TX at this interest meeting in Mathena 118. Register Here
Theological Education Round Table
Do you feel like God has called you to vocational Theological Education? While opportunities to teach in U.S. institutions are few and far between, there are myriad Bible schools, universities, and seminaries around the world that desperately need professors. Did you know that in many of these places you can teach in English, and in…
Interest Meeting: Crossover Dallas Evangelism
Learn how to join the week of interpersonal evangelism prior to the SBC Annual Meeting in Dallas, TX at this interest meeting in Mathena 118. Register Here
2+2 Meeting
If you’re following the 2+2 program, then don’t miss this meeting with IMB Pathways Consultant Joel Sutton. See you in Mathena 118!
On Your Way Fellowship
Students heading into cross-cultural missionary service are welcome to meet up at the next On Your Way Fellowship in Mathena 118.
Interest Meeting: NAMB GenSend Mission Trip to Boston
GenSend Summer offers students an opportunity to join God’s great story in some of North America’s greatest cities! It is an immersive exploration of what it means to live intentionally in community while sharing the gospel in a new city. Join a team of students for eight or six weeks, learning mission principles while living…
March 2025
Why Mid-Term Missions? A Roundtable Discussion
Join us on Thursday, March 6 at 4:00 PM, in the Fireside Room of the Naylor Student Center, to discuss mid-term missions with recently returned Journeyman missionaries. We will cover topics like lessons learned, challenges faced, and the profound impact of committing to a mid-term mission. Your input is valuable and we cannot wait to…
Women on Mission – March
Women on Mission is a space where we discuss experiences while living life on a mission, both stateside and internationally. Whether you are single, an empty-nester or a mom with young kids we would love for you to join us at Women on Mission.
New York Mission Trip Interest Meeting
New York City is home to 8 million people, with more than 22 million in the metro area – including NYC, parts of Westchester County, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania. This encompasses a 75-mile radius from Times Square in the heart of the NYC borough of Manhattan. New York City is the nation’s largest city…
Thailand Mission Trip
Consider joining the World Missions Center in Thailand this spring. Working alongside IMB missionaries, this SWBTS team will hope to bring the gospel to ears who have not yet heard. Interest Meeting: September 25, 4:30pm in Mathena 205 Application Deadline: October 18 Pay Here
Japan Mission Trip Interest Meeting 1
Over 124 million people live in Japan today, yet less than 1% have come to know the hope that is found in Jesus Christ. Despite the vast need, only 5% have even heard the Gospel. This fall reading days, the World Missions Center at SWBTS is sending a team to Japan to share the Good…
Japan Mission Trip Interest Meeting 2
Over 124 million people live in Japan today, yet less than 1% have come to know the hope that is found in Jesus Christ. Despite the vast need, only 5% have even heard the Gospel. This fall reading days, the World Missions Center at SWBTS is sending a team to Japan to share the Good…
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